Deb O.
Well-Known Member
As several on here know, I've only been in minis for the last couple years. This is my first attempt at training a weanling. So I'm still very green lol.
We got "heart" the little girl in the picture from friends of ours. She's my project filly. Heart is about 6 months old and was not handled much at our friends farm. So she wasn't trusting at all when she came to us. Wouldn't lead and extremely hard to catch. I've been working with her for about a month. Once I have her haltered and on lead she now does most everything I ask her with little or no coaxing
. But in the field without a treat she's still very wary when approached. I've been working trying to gain her trust off halter the last couple weeks. While making what I think is great strides, I'm wondering what else can be done? If I have a treat in my hand or am near the "feed shed" she'll approach my hand when called and let me handle her picking up her feet and such. And sometimes away from the shed if I just walk up calmly or squat and hold my hand out she'll approach. Each time any of this happens she gets big praise and rewards. Recently I've even gotten her to lead off halter with just a gentle hand at the base of her neck. But most of the time in the open field she will walk slowly in front of me and if I try to touch her she speeds up just out of reach. It's these times that I am wondering what I can do to get her to let me touch her???? Is there anything else that will help gain trust in the open field??

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