Thank you all. I just LOVE Raven. I'm in awe of her and so humbled she has let me ride the coat-tails of her awesome life.
Because of her I've made friends I never would have had the pleasure to meet and I got to share in the joy of her first foal with hundreds of folks that were pulling for her and just as excited as I was. Due to her size and her show record, there were people who were very interested in how she'd do at foaling and were very supportive of my decision to breed her. I got so many kind messages and was a wonderful experience that I will never forget.
As for Lil Bit (his name until I can come up with the real one), I've been stressing over his legs a bit. I realize many are saying he's fine, don't worry about it, etc., but I've never personally had one that didn't straighten up within the first 24-48 hours. So for his back legs to still be so wonky at 8 days old, is new to me and a bit scary. When I watch him on cam, it's like there's just too much leg. I know that's not possible, but it's like they just don't know which way to go!lol Almost like his back legs are too long for the front. Does that even make sense?
I'm guessing that there wasn't a lot of room inside momma, so those legs spent a lot of time all curled up. I did have one mare (a 29" experienced broodmare) have a foal in 2010 that had one front foot turned under at the fetlock. It was probably like that the whole time he was developing and it had fused in place. The vet thought it was due to the tiny space inside the mother. I'm thankful this little boy didn't have anything like that, but I sure wish his back legs didn't look so sickle hocked. I will hope that you all are right and he will eventually grow out of it.
Thanks again for looking at their pics. I'm SO pleased with how Raven's body seems to have come back so quickly. If she were home, I'd have a neck sweat on her!lol I can see from where the halter is across her poll that it's a soft "baby" fat on her neck and not a real crest. I'm very thankful for that. It's so tempting to put her back in the ring. Must.. Resist... Must... Resist... LOL I'm buying a house, I can't afford to show horses this year!lol