Redrock Miniature Horse Farm - Dream - maiden appaloosa mare *FOALED* 5/16 *New picture 7/23*

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Becky - to save yourself some frustration, use the "More Reply Options" option next to the "Post" in the lower right corner when you post. Then you can just attach files right from your computer without going through Photobucket. You browse & click on the file you want, then you have to "attach this file" and you're done.

Hate to say, but Dancer's udder (maiden) stayed like this for days. But then, the end result (Jake) was WELL worth waiting for!
Thanks, Mary. I'll try to remember that the next time I post pictures.

Oh yes, you never know what these mares are going to do. All we humans can do is wait!
No foal coming tonight, I don't think. Dream's udder softened up late this afternoon. Not looking hopeful for tonight. Maybe tomorrow.......
New udder pics of Dream this morning. I made these right after I put her outside. Her udder has evened up (even though the underneath picture looks uneven). Waiting for it to get tight and the nipples to fill out.

Dream 5-13-13 001.JPG

Dream 5-13-13 002.JPG
Looks like she's making good progress. My maiden mare's udder looks much the same. She's at 330 today. Geez, my other two mares both foaled at 319 days! Sigh
Finally! Dream is looking very close to foaling. Her udder is full, hard and tight this morning. I also noticed she looks very slab sided from the rear. That's a change. Her milk is still thin and watery. I'm guessing she will wait until later today or tonight to foal. I hope. I'm leaving for a show on Friday morning and I don't have a plan for her this weekend. She needs to foal NOW!
Ohhhh, getting exciting now!! And it seems that sometimes the maiden mares don't know that they are supposed to wait until the wee hours to foal! LOL So maybe you'll have a daytime foal.
I just want Dream to foal before Friday morning! LOL Today would be really good, though, as I could get some sleep. She keeps the pager going almost constantly all night long. A live foal will be worth it,

We will be having some storms move in later today. Maybe the low pressure will get things going.
Oh my , I can hardly wait. That stallion throws lots of color. He is very nice, this will be an awsome baby !!!!

I have to work this evening but as soon as I get home I will be popping this computer open to see if there has been any action.

Praying for a safe time for Dream.

Oh my I can hardly wait.

Hope to be reading an announcement soon for you! Come on little lady -- let's get this baby safely on the ground BEFORE the weekend!
I wasn't too hopeful for tonight as Dreams' udder softened up a little later this afternoon. But, I just checked her again and it's hard and tight. Nipples spread far apart and pointing down. Couldn't get any milk this time. Unusual for her. Anything different can be a sign. She is yawning a lot.

I am hopeful again that it will be tonight. I'll be sleeping in clothes. You think that will jinx it??
Becky- I slept half dressed for over a month and the mares got even with me by both foaling in the day time. But you would take a Thursday day time foal, right?
I'll keep my fingers crossed that tonight is the night!!

Mary did an awful lot of yawning before delivering Mayci.

Definitely keep us posted.
Yawning -- a good sign. Sounds like everything is in place -- so praying for an uneventful foaling of a healthy little one!

Keep us posted!!
Still waiting but everything looks ready to go. Dream has a full, tight udder, she only laid down twice last night (unusual for her!), her milk is starting to thicken a bit and change from clear to more yellow. She's outside today and is butt pressing a lot! Holding her tail up more than usual too.

An afternoon foal sure would be nice!

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