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We have a gelding that actually belongs to my 11 year old grandson. We've been showing him for three years now in halter and he does really well. Grandson now wants to go a step further any drive him. Hubby goes and buys a harness and an easy entry cart. This horse was trained to drive when we got him, what steps should I take to refreash his memory. Pleas keep in mind I'm elderly and can not run behind when ground driving, but can walk fast, and slow trot. I do have a round pen, and have been riding since 1978 so I still have soft hands as far as the mouth goes, but must admit with all my other ailments I won't be able to work him too long on the ground. We also have a large indoor with a round pen, and a driving, riding ring outside, so that won't be a problem. How would I know he is ready for hook up to the cart? Would it be when he walks, trots and whoas on command? I had someone show me how to attach the cart, but since I'm not young anymore I want to stay safe, and yet want a safe horse for my granson, if he took a spill it might discourage him from driving. Finances are tight now. or I would hire somone, and advice would appreciated, since I won't be starting him back until Fall when the weather is cooler.
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