Registered Shetlands/Minis

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Kay Kay,

I can live with the way you put

I would think that everyone would know that minis came from Shetlands. I mean come on you are fooling yourself if you dont. I just get it alot that if you having been in it for a long period of time you dont know anything. Not just on here in general. I haven’t been in the minis that long, we trained racehorses for entire life. Not telling my age though. So I didnt mean to come across huffy or anything

My thoughts on the double registry, I dont know the Shetland registry well enough. But if they are under why not. I think my stallion looks just like a Shetland. I hope he stays under 34, now here is the drag of it though like said before, he was barely over in the B division last year as a yearling. So he was showing against the tall kids and yes it did suck. He still placed even though he was the littlest one in there. So I can see why people dont like showing against them. Heres the flip side if he stays under 34 as a 3 yr he will be at an advantage. So if you cant beat them join them???
Karen S said:
Dear Miss Bre,
First I would like to ask you how long you have been involved with the ASPC/AMHR? With the way you write you must just be a child or a youth. My dear, you need to get your head out of the sand and wake up. The AMHA broke off of the ASPC/AMHR and started their own Registry. Those AMHA horses are full of Shetland blood and you can't take it out.

The Miniature Horse will never be a "breed". It is merely a height registry just like the AMHA. When the ASPC started the AMHR they saw a need for those Miniature's that went over height. That's when the AMHR was started. The divisions were up to 34 and over 34 to 38. There was nothing wrong with those horses except sometimes their Shetland heritage came to the surface. Still does today. Why do you think so many of the AMHA people have jumped on our bandwagon with AMHR? So they can get those animals registred so they can be sold.

The ASPC has been around since 1888, a whole lot longer than the AMHA. If it wasn't for the ASPC you wouldn't have a registry for your AMHR miniatures.

The reason people started complaining about the double registererd horses is that they couldn't compete. The horses fault? No way. It just means I must be doing something right with my breeding program. Go look at Buckeye Walnut Creek Farm. All of her miniatures are Shetlands but I don't hear anyone complaining when she wins. All of your D& S ponies are full blood Shetlands from the Seth Thomas line. I guess you don't know who Seth Thomas was. I'll leave that up for you to research. "Establo" is another fine example of full blood Shetlands being bred that are staying small and winning in the show ring. How many people both AMHA and AMHR that own's one of Sandy's horses? I could go on an on. As long as this registry remains a height registry you will have lots of diversity within. By the way, my 1998 National Grand Champion "B" gelding was 1/2 Harness pony. Father was a 31" stallion and his mother was a full blood harness mare. If that horse walked by you today you wouldn't even know he was 1/2 Harness bred. You can't tell by just looking at him. If I brought out any of my horses for you to look at I can bet that you wouldn't be able to pick out what was miniature and what was Shetland. No one can. I have seen plenty of miniatures that have that same "Look at Me" attitude as the Shetlands.

I also see that you referred to the ASPC/ASPR. Do you even know what an ASPR pony is? I bet you don't. No difference than the "B" miniature in the AMHR. So before you go give your opinion please do some homework first, you might be suprised at what you learn. JMHO.

Karen Shaw

Fiddlestix Miniatures & Shetlands

Burleson Texas


First of all I am aware there is shetland blood in miniatures I never denied that. Secondly I am aware of whom Establo is and the seth thomas collection and arenosas. I never said I didn't admire the beauty of these horses only that I beleive that horses should not be allowed to be double registered. You can't be two things at once, can you? IMO if this is a height breed and miniatures have to be under 38 inches I feel a shetland should have to be over 38 inches.

I am also very aware that AMHA was after AMHR, I never denied that either. And we too show both AMHA and AMHR so I am not "dogging" AMHR in anyway. Just stating my opinion, like everyone else.

Yep if it wasn't for the ASPC there wouldn't be an AMHR...never denied that.

And I have done my research so please don't assume I am unknowledgeable.
And I am shocked by how many AMHA only breeders continue to insist that there is no shetland blood in their miniatures. And that alot of them keep acting like miniatures are a breed. They simply arent. Anything that measures 38" and under or 34 and under for amha is a miniature horse. Mini Bre i could go right now and by a shetland that measures 34 or under and hardship him or her into amha and then go compete. That horse for all intents and purposes is a miniature horse 
Mini Bre is a young woman but she is very smart. But she has definately been raised in an AMHA only family farm so this is what she knows. There are I must say alot of adults that will say the same thing Mini Bre just did. I have heard it many times and it always gives me a chuckle.
Once again yes I know you could find a shetland under 34 inches and hardship into AMHA I have no problem with that what so ever. What I am trying to say is that you cant be 2 things at once. Say for instance that I have a horse named Bob. Bob’s dam and sire are both pure shetlands. Bob is 36 inches tall and very refined long neck and so on. I have no problem if Bob is registered in the AMHR. But don’t say he is a shetland too after you just registered him with the American Miniature Horse Registry. Does that make more sense?

Believe it or not I am not an AMHA only farm. We actually have an over horse...that we show
mini bre i apologize. I thought in earlier discussions you had said that you only breed and show amha and that you only registered one AMHR because she went over height.

The thing is mini you CAN be two things at once
Because miniatures arent a breed any horse that meets the height limit can be a mini. It could be a registered quarter horse or a registered shetland. Doesnt matter as long as the height requirement is met.

I think the reason this doesnt make sense to you is because you are still looking at The American Miniature HOrse as being a breed. It isnt and imo probably never will be.

Lets take your example. Why on earth wouldnt we call Bob a shetland if he came from two registered shetlands?? Would you then throw his shetland papers away when you crossed him into AMHR?? NO!!! That would be crazy. Especially since Shetlands are a BREED.

Does that make more sense??

and wpsellwood i totally agree
One thing is that the weanlings and yearling Shetlands that are shown at nationals are often very young, therefore they are much more delicate and most likely are going to not even fit into the height limits later on."
I think this is a big misconception a lot of mini breeders have. The simple truth is that Shetlands put on their height much faster than most minis and most of the bloodlines you see showing up in the mini show ring are going to be full height by the time they hit 18 months old. Most of them don't go over as adults but because they are leggy as foals the perception is that they are going to.

Carin is absolutely correct - the Miniature Horse as we know it is not a breed - it is a height and as such ANYTHING small enough has been registereable with the AMHR until recently (and still is with AMHA). That means if someone gets a fluke really small purebred Hackney they can register it (and don't kid yourself - both AMHR and AMHA have some Hackney too).

To be a breed requires a closed studbook. AQHA does not have a closed studbook - they allow outcrossing to Thoroughbreds and have their own controversies because of this (there are many people who view today's AQHA as a TB partbred registry.....thus the large number of Foundation QH registries in business today). The Arabian is a breed - their studbook is closed.

You can't be two things at once, can you? IMO if this is a height breed and miniatures have to be under 38 inches I feel a shetland should have to be over 38 inches.
Yes, yes you can. You can AMHA/AMHR/PtHA - why not AMHR/ASPC/PtHA, etc? I know of big horses who are registered with four or five registries all at the same time - some show in multiple associations. What's wrong with that if the person has the drive and the dollars to do it? As for height - Shetlands are not a height registery - the ASPC is a breed registry and there is no lower limit on height - never has been, never will be. From day one the ASPC has had horses well under 38 inches, many of the early registrations were under 30 inches!

I find it appalling that anyone would advocate throwing away heritage in one registry just because the horse is registered in another! In the horse business today you need to take advantage of every marketing tool available. If that means registering your horses in half a dozen different registeries - so be it.
[SIZE=14pt]Brie, here is my example. This is Michigans Sweet Tart..... a hundred years of shetland pedigree....He is registered foundation Shetland, He is 2 years old and 32 inches tall. He is amhr registered also. Do you mean just because he is 32 inches and will be an amha horse too that he is no longer a shetland????? he has more pedigree than most AMHA horses that is know parentage. So if I register him amha he is no longer carrying shetland blood??? Minis will never be a blood breed....there are too many variables....they will always be a height breed. Thats jst it.

A friend of mine has a mare that is registered Part-Falabella, Part Caspian and Part bred Arab!!! Is this a Miniature?? She is also a registered Mini, height 34"?? OK so, is it the "Shetland" tag you are objecting to? There is no way you would have Miniature Horses without it, so, is it OK to have a horse triple registered just so long as none of those registers is Shetland?? We do not have this problem as the Shetlands cannot be shown as Minis over here, the rules are deliberately different to preclude this happening, they have to show as one or the other. Your "Shetlands" are a different breed, I'm not even sure why you kept the name as I think it would have solved a lot of problems if you had just claimed them as an American Breed , which is what they now are, instead of Shetlands. I think if someone objects it's probably just a little bit of green eye ( from what I've seen most "Shetlands" are streets ahead of most minis for refinement) or frustration because a Min only can only show in one set of classes. That is your/their choice- that is what you/they chose to breed. If you believe in what you are doing, go on doing it, without the "sour grapes"
I understand that NOW you can be two things at once however that is one thing imo that should change, however if it never changes it really doesn't bother me. That is just my opinion on the question...and I am just stating my opinion like everyone else however it is probably not what most wanted to hear.

If you have any problem with what I said or want to ask me a question please pm me I will not be replying here anymore.

And KayKay I understand how you misunderstood my post no hard feelings.


AND I never said that minis didn’t have shetland blood in them! I am aware they didn’t fall from the sky so please quit accusing me of saying such.
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Dear Miss Bre,

I wasn't accusing you. Every day there are people out there that think their miniature horses have no "other" blood in them and we all know that isn't true.

If I want to spend my money to registered my really small Shetlands into the AMHR I'm going to do it. If I want to register my Miniatures & Shetlands as Pinto, I'm going to do it. If I wanted to registered my qualifying Shetlands into the new National Show Pony Registry, I'm going to do it. These are all allowable if I choose to spend my money to do so.

Thank you Lewella for a very good post on this! I too want to be able to market my horses in as many associations that I can. Thats good business practice and sense.

What is confusing you (again my opinion) is that you can't show both as a Miniature & Shetland at the same show. This was done in the past before the BOD made a new rule that these small Shetlands that hold Miniature papers must declare how they want to show at a show that does both Miniatures & Shetlands. These horses must qualify under four judges ( just like any other miniature) that wants to show on the national level.

To kaykay, you read exactly what I was trying to type and say. Thank you.

Folks education is the key to understanding this association and any other association that you want to belong to. The newest members of this association has yet to learn the history and some just don't care...that's the reason behind my question as to how long you had been involved.

Miss Bre keep asking questions and keep learning all you can cause someday you just might want to run for a Director of this association and you will need to know these things. Have fun and I look forward to meeting you someday.

Karen Shaw
mini bre

you are absolutely entitled to your opinion and i have to say your not alone. I think what it boils down to is you dont agree that Shetlands and shetland/mini crosses should be able to show against miniatures. I do give you credit for having the guts to post it especially on a pony forum:)

but i do think they are going to keep gaining in popularity and they will continue to win and that is what will start changing peoples mind. If you want to stay competitive you have to always be looking forward
I know I said I wasn't going to reply again...
but just wanted to tell you all no hard feelings and I really do understand where you are coming from. I shouldn't have posted anyway but me and my big mouth.
Since Im on and being nosey
When you register a shetland do you have to pay the same hardship fee like moving an A mini to the R registry or is it cheaper? I dont think Im going to far off the topic. We dont have Shetlands, well I guess we do but they are called minis but was just wondering?

Sometimes you have to have a strong skin to state your opinions on here but all opinions are good to hear, the only time we dont like them is when we dont agree with them
[SIZE=14pt]Yes you do have to pay the same hardship fee if it is the first generation of the shetland to get amhr papers. The double registered ones I have have all come from parents that are double reg but I have a shetland filly that I think is going to stay in size for mini B and if she is 38 or less next year when she is three I will pay the fee since my shetland stallion will be under 34 and I will breed them together.[/SIZE]

Thanks for info, was just wondering as its all under one unbrella kinda
Over and Over it is said that minis are only a height breed. This is no longer true for AMHR. As soon as the registry was closed to hardshipping anything but a shetland or AMHA it became a breed registry not a height registry. Minis came from shetlands, thoroughbreds came from arabs; Morgans, Saddlebreds and standardbreds all came from the same roots but THEY ARE NOW SEPERATE BREEDS as should be the Shetland and the Miniature.
The Miniature Horse is not a breed. You can close the book as tight as you like, it is NOT a breed. It has no type to which to conform, it has only height, and the two main American registers disagree on this, even.
although amhr has "closed" it still is not a breed. You can still hardship in from A and aspc so is it really closed?? Kinda but not really. I think like rabbit said you would have to set one specific type. now how hard would that be. Horribly hard!!! We have so many different "types" in the minis I dont know how anyone could pick one and say thats it

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