Registration pictures for AMHR

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Would you be willing to update the photos on the registration papers to be brought pernament if the

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 97.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters

JMS Miniatures

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wentworth, MO
I wanted to ask this question but never could think of it. When I was reading the Journal I was reading the article on registration photos. I don't know if this is new or its always been like this but if you want to change the photos on registration papers you would be charged $20 to update photos. I personally don't like this. Especially if I wanted to update the photos from baby pictures to adult when brought pernament. I think you should be given this option and for free. If we had recevied the Journal before July 1st I would have probably submit a proposal, but now its too late. Just curious to see how others felt about this, maybe its just me lol.

Also wanted to mention incase some didn't know once pictures are on the papers you don't need to give photos again unless you are doing a color change.
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I agree that I would like to see up dated pics. But I guess the purpose of the pictures in the first place to make sure that the markings on the horse being presented matches the horse on the papers. Of course, if you have a horse that was bay as a baby and has now turn grey, it should definitely be changed.

I have an issue with paying to change the height, or even correcting a wrong color. I have a horse that on it's perm. papers stated that it was 30" when in fact it was 32.5". When I did the tranfer, I sent in the corrected height and found out that I got billed for having it changed. You would think that AMHR would want to make sure that the registration papers were correct. Next time, I guess I'll just leave the height as, even thought it is wrong. That is why I hear people say that the registration certificates aren't worth the paper their written on.
I had a mare that was registered as 33", but instead was 31.50". That big of change I wanted to change it, well couldn't do it unless I took her to a show or find a steward. You know what this mare was 18 years old, not worth it.
The way I understand it is the fee for updating pictures is when you are not having anything else done. When updating to permanent, there is not a fee for new pictures, unless they have changed it from previous.

I did update one from Temp to Perm last year and did not have to pay for the new pictures.
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There is a $5.00 fee to update Temp to Perm papers which includes new pictures. Songcatcher is correct in that correcting a certificate with color or markings changes requires $20.
There is a $5.00 fee to update Temp to Perm papers which includes new pictures. Songcatcher is correct in that correcting a certificate with color or markings changes requires $20.
I feel it should all be $5. However I did vote yes for both, as I would pay it if I had to.
I just paid $5 to bring a gelding from temp to perm. I sent in the new pictures and the original foal pictures are still on it. I don't mind since the foal pictures show his palomino markings better, but was surprised they didn't automatically use the new updated adult pictures.

I also bought and transfered a filly who's original papers had a completely wrong color description, I asked them to correct the color and use the new photos also because her original photos were the most awful things I have ever seen, and they were faded and did not show any color really. Surprisingly both registries did not charge me any extra over the cost of transfer and corrected her color description and updated with the pictures I sent in. They must have felt bad about the original pictures too!
It's a lot of work to change photos on paperwork. They must be scanned in, cropped, sized, and added to the papers. This isn't bad for one or 2, but imagine how many they work with every day? I think it certainly is worth a cost if it's just a matter of "I want updated photos" or the photos didn't show the color correctly. So it's not their fault if someone wants the photos changed just because.
I've never been charged to change a photo on a AMHA certificate, seems to me it only makes sense to want the most updated photo in order to ensure people are trully selling the correct horse. Minis change so darn much over the years.

I'm thinking that as AMHR gets along in the photo subject they will improve this. They only just started recently requiring photos at all and that is a huge improvement.

My initial thoughts were that photos should have to be updated when the papers are updated from temporary to permanent, but then I got thinking what difference does it really make? When we get Shetland papers, they have foal photos on them and since they don't have temporary/permanenet papers for the ponies, the photos they are initially registered with are the photos that stay on the papers for life. If foal photos are good for ponies then I guess they are good for Minis too.

I'm not going to bother updating any photos if it will cost me $20 to do so. I have two Minis to bring permanent this year & I don't know if I will send in photos or not. Partly it depends on whether or not we get around to taking some photos of these two horses--if we don't fit that in, they can just keep their foal photos.

Personally I am not a fan of photos. They help in the case of pintos or appaloosas (except where the appy "greys out") but as far as using those photos to identify horses, it's far from wonderful. If someone raises 10 or even 5 black (for instance) foals, unless those foals have some white markings, one black foal looks a lot like another black foal. People have joked that they're going to go out & take some photos of one foal & print a bunch up & send them in for all their foals of the same color. Could happen. I sent in permanent photos once (papers already had photos on them but the 3 year old photos were better) & they did put the new photos on the papers, but they changed the markings completely--gave my flaxen chestnut with no white (which was quite obvious on the earlier photos) 4 white legs (new photos showed him with the light gold legs that flaxen horses often have, quite clearly they were not white) on his permanent papers. What got me was they would do such a major change (from no white to 4 stockings!) without question. They did fix it up when I called to complain but it meant more postage to return the papers, and more wait time to get them back again. That pretty much put me off of updating photos--it's just a whole lot less hassle to not bother.

Bad registration photos? What does it matter, no one sees them anyway now that they aren't being posted on horsestudbook and the stud book on line doesn't include photos. If you send copies of the papers into a show, well, even if they've got bad photos on them everyone sees the real horse at the show. If someone buys the horse and you give them the papers, they've already seen the horse as it really is, so they know the horse really doesn't look like its registration photos.
I think we need to update when horses are brought permanent, so many times in the minis the foal color does not at all resemble the mature coat color I don't know how you could possibly identify a mature horse from foal pictures!
I think we need to update when horses are brought permanent, so many times in the minis the foal color does not at all resemble the mature coat color I don't know how you could possibly identify a mature horse from foal pictures!
I personally agree with you too. Atleast we don't have to send in new pictures everytime we have to do something like AMHA. I know breeders complain about it, and I know shortly after we got the pictures on the reg. papers people wanted to do away with it. I think for AMHR its a great thing. But I still think you should be given a option to add new pictures when brought pernament without having to pay a fee. Now not sure if thats the case now or not.

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