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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ever wonder if you werent ment to be alone?
There is a time for every season as the song goes. I have chosen to be alone for many years now but the time has come to open myself up to others and allow friendships and relationships to happen and mature. I am an assertive, passionate woman with a lot to offer and have been fortunate to have many good friends. Sandy (sedeh) gave me the biggest compliment that I not only make friends easily but keep them. I cherish that comment.

Not all of us are meant to have the normal(whatever that means) relationships but make a life that fits who and what we are. Sometimes that can be a very lonely road but not without meaning or purpose. Had my life taken other paths I would have been as successful as I have been in the one I chosen.

I was lucky enough to learn early on that it isn't about the destination but the journey in between. We can plan our lives but can't factor in what life throws at us. Sometimes it is the fork in the road which was really meant to happen.
I never really gave much thought to this but i do beleive that if you find someone and they are 'the one' ..thene you are ment to be together.


If you dont find the 'special someone' ...your not doomed. I dont think anyone is ment to alone. I do think some people pass up possiblities though or give up to soon. As long as your still breathing, you can still meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.

I have not met Mr. Right yet and dont expect to anytime soon ..hopeing and praying he doesnt wait to long though.


For a lot of reasons, at times in my younger life, I thought I might have been meant to be alone. I had awful role models for relationships, and felt like anything I did would be poisoned by the examples I had. Also, I just didn't think that anyone could fully love me the way I was/am, and I was so wrong.

It turns out that when I quit worrying about that aspect of my life, and learned to love myself (very key, and I know it's hard and a cliche), I had more than enough truly wonderful friends and some of those friends turned out to be romantic relationships. The one that worked out best of all is my husband, and we will celebrate 18 years of marriage next August.

I still have several relationships with males that I cherish, and I feel that though we never were romantically involved, they are just as valuable. I suppose some of these could have been "more" but they were not because one or both of us was already involved, but we have very satisfying friendships and probably lucky we did not ruin it by taking it further. Guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to have something live up to others' expectations for it to be worthwhile and of value in your life.

Focus on yourself, do what makes YOU happy, and I guarantee there will be more than one person out there who values and cherishes you for exactly the qualities which make you YOU.

You will be a far better mate for someone when you are satisfied with yourself.

Liz M.
lf a person likes him/herself then they are never really alone but you can be lonely. also married people can sometimes be some of the lonelest people even though they are together.
Well define alone.....because I had a wonderful hubby and 2 kids and yet for a very long long time I was still alone.....always looking for something to fill the gaping hole in my life.......I had friends and people thought I was fun...yet I was always alone even in a crowded I still have the same wonderful hubby and 2 kids but now I am content....

My best friend since I was 18 (so a really long time) she has never once dated as long as I have known her...she has adopted one child and is in the middle of adopting another from china......she is kinda sorta using an online dating thing to find someone BUT as always that has taken a back burner to the rest of her life.....she is probably less alone than I ever was........I do not believe anyone needs someone else to make them whole but having someone is nice and if it is meant to be it will happen..........
If you are happy and comfortable being alone, don't let family, friends or society tell you it's wrong.

On the other hand, if you want someone in your life, but feel you don't fit into the stereotypical relationship, open yourself to the possibility of different sorts of relationships. Who says that a satisfying relationship/friendship/partnership/whatever has to follow a prescribed pattern?

I've always been a loner, and was, for the most part, fine being alone. Once I accepted that, I met Keith, and we are very happy being alone together.

The key is being happy with yourself on your own, building a life for you. You'll be that much more likely to meet someone who is truly right for you, and if you don't, you'll have a life that makes you happy, rather than waiting for your life to begin.
I think Suzane posted some wise words.

For me, it wasn't until I was comfortable with who *I* was that a sound relationship happened. And even then, it was one I wasn't actively looking for!

I've heard from many people that it was when they weren't looking for someone --that's when them met their perfect match! LOL!


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