He was the start of my daughters passion for showing when he was born and became her youth horse when she was 12 they did showmenship halter jumping obstacle and later on driving all during her teen years. And if anyone taught her about how a horse thinks and acts this is the guy. l remember many years when she gave up all social life and worked her butt of to make money to show him because l had no interest in him and said you pay l''ll take you. Looking back over the years l thank him for everything he has done for her in the way of keeping her of drugs and other trouble like so many of her friends back then... he's getting on in years now but l don't think he fully knows what he has done for me keeping that child out of trouble when it was so much easier to just take the same route as her girlfriends. Thankyou Relic even though you and l have never ever seen eye to eye on anything in everyday life and you would as soon run over me as l would selling you to the next person who showed up with a fifty dollar bill...