I didn't read all the responses, but I have a few ideas on how you might do better with these type of assignments. I love to read as well, but often have a hard time remebering things like place names, people names, and their relationship to each other. this is because when I read for pleasure, I don't care if I remeber it all, I can flip back to find the info I need when I need it. When i read for school, its a whole nuther matter! LOL
You may find it helps to treat the novels like text books. Pain in the arse I know.
: As you "meet" each new character, white down their name in a notebook, with a description and important details, such as their relationship to other characters, and their function to the plot.
Also, in the notebook have a heading for each chapter as you begin it. Under the heading, write down any important details as they happen. Include major plot points and say if any new characters are introduced.
Not only should the act of writing things down help you to remeber, but you can also refer to these nothes just before a quiz, which is a LOT quicker than skimming the chapter for details at the last minuite!
These are important skills to master anyway, if you plan to go on to university, college, or any kind of course where remebering is necessary.
: It might sound like something you only do with a text book, but when it comes to good greades, you have to do what you have to do in order to get them! trust me, it sounds like a pain in the butt, and it really is, but its a LOT easier than re-reading a book a zillion times, or even worse, doing make-up assignments or repeating a grade!
BUT this story in Fiction, I dont really like made up story's, when I READ, I want to learn somthing from it, for me, its just a waste of time!
Can I let you in on a little education secret? Not everything taught in school is taught for the purpose of learning about the SUBJECT.
: Teachers will often use a book, such as this one, to teach about just what you are having trouble with- reading comprehension! Don't think of it as a waste of time becuase you don't have an interest in the subject. While learning about history is important, I doubt that is what your teacher is really after here at all.