Results from my discussion with the vet bill

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At the vet clinic I worked for we charged for everything. Every syringe, glove, dollop of NFZ it was always listed and charged. But we never charged a penny more for any out of clinic lab work. We were getting paid for packing and submission (listed) so why would we need to "tack on" for work some one else did.

I guess it's an easy way to make more off an animal and have the clients upset at the Lab and not their fees.

My advice would be to total up the bill using the websites listed fees, go to the vet clinic with that much CASH in hand and say ok here is what I would give you today to settle up my bill, IN FULL. Leave off the "I know what the lab really charges" and don't get overly upset or rightous over this. If he don't go for it then say o.k. I would like to put this towards my bill and hand him a $10 and I'll see you next month. 'Course you got to watch as service charges may kill your point in the end.
I'm glad your little Rose is all healed from her eye problem. I too would be hard pressed to pay for visit when the problem was made clear at the time the appt was made and the veterinarian arrived w/ out the tools he/she needed. Again, I hope you find a new vet which works out better for your horses.

FTR and in the future, as owners we need to keep in mind that out-sourced lab work takes longer. First the mailing, unless it is overnighted, take a few days. Then not every test is run/set every day at most labs. Seems like test have M/W/F and T/Th set dates which means if you need test "A" run (lab does that M/W/F) and the specimen arrives at the lab on a Friday it won't be run until the following Tuesday with results to follow accordingly. Cultures take the longest needing week(s) before the growth is clear. Anyway, hope this helps explain why it can take a long time.
I didn't read all the posts, but didn't someone give you a list of the University's charges? I would make a few copies of that, add up the charges and give the vet his check (along with the copy of charges) and pay him for his services. If he wants to come after you for his balance.... let him.
Thanks for posting the link, Deb. I bookmarked it immediatly ... you just never know when you're gonna need the services of Cornell, so it's nice to be imformed.

Actually most veterinary schools diagnostic labs fee schedule are available online. Type in the school; search for the department/diagnostic lab and from there the fee schedule. Of course specimens may only be submitted by a veterinarian (on staff or licenced in the state) and not by owners.

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