I know that some of you have a ridden horse background, as do I< so I thought you all(especially if you like and/or appreciate WESTERN riding, as I do, might enjoy hearing about this)--I came across the most FUN thing to watch on RFD-TV awhile back; it is the 'Extreme Cowboy Race', put on by Craig Cameron(he's one of the current crop of 'horse whisperer' types; in my observation, he more approaches being a genuine 'cowboy'than almost any other of these guys(in the REAL sense of the word-I don't mean 'rodeo', when I think of a cowboy....), and I like what I've seen of him(on TV). The one that's most fun is the one held at his Texas ranch, where natural terrain and more 'realistic' obstacles can be utilized. It is basically an obstacle course, with both accuracy, correct completion of each and every obstacle, and time as part of the overall score/placing. I usually FORGET when it's on(am asking for a DVR recorder for my next 'occasion gift'!), but caught most of the next-to-last episode of ECR #5 just now, and got SUCH a kick out of it! I have seen some good ones, some real 'Yay-hoos', and lots of 'so-so' performances-but today, I got to see one of the BEST performances I've ever viewed on the show--and it was by a gal-lovely, soft, consistent rider-riding a Section B Welsh Pony stallion! And what a solid little guy he was!! Absolutely warmed my performance-horse rider's HEART to see him! The ONLY issue they had was that the rider missed her first loop trying to rope(more accurately--simply land a loop over the head of ) a paint horse in a round corral, where she had to open the gate,ride in, build a loop, and 'rope' the horse(then just drop the rope, open the gate, ride back out, and close the gate.) She rebuilt her loop, didn't 'pursue' the horse, but just let him go by, and 'nailed' him the second time--but of course, it did extend her overall time. At the end of today's show, Craig announced the top 4 of this series, each of whom won a nice-looking Circle Y saddle--and this gal with her little Welsh was in the group! Now I HAVE to remember to watch next week, when some or all of this 'final 4' will have a final 'go', and the ultimate winner of this go-round will be determined. The show was on here in NM at noon MST; and I believe it will repeat on Monday PM at 3 PM, MST. RFD-TV is available on both DISH and DIRECT TV-and according to their advertising, is now 'available' to cable companies, so ASK,ASK,ASK your cable company to carry it, if you'd like to be able to see it. They offer more and more equine programming all the time, and other interesting stuff,esp. if you like the'country' or 'echoes of the past' stuff, as I do.(Heck, I remember the time BEFORE television!!)
I don't know WHY someone couldn't have started putting on this sort of fun competition when I was YOUNGER!!
I don't know WHY someone couldn't have started putting on this sort of fun competition when I was YOUNGER!!
