Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

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Yeah, he is totally gorgeous. So sad I have to give him up but he's still close which is good and his new mummy treats him like king tut so I know he's in good hands.
Well Sweety's edema is still getting slowly bigger, no udder change yet. I think I worked out her approx due date is now 25 March.

Bindi seems to be in a bit of limbo. Her udder did change a bit a few months back but it hasn't progressed. The same goes for her belly lol. I honestly think she looked bigger back at Christmas than she does now. Very confusing



Ok So I tried to read the whole thread but I don't have 2 days to myself
Could someone summarize for me? At the beginning there was talk of a possible cremello stallion or is the gorgeous spotty boy the culprit?

Both girls are adorable and will have stunning babies.
I know! This thread should be called "confusion, enter at your own risk!"

The story so far.....

Its now conclusive that Sweety (pintallosa) is pregnant to the handsome spotty bay and is due approx 25 march 2013. Bindi (Chestnut pinto) I am pretty sure is pregnant, and to the same boy, but I have no idea when she is due. She was running with him from Dec 2011 to May 2012.

.......to be continued...
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Is there anyway of predicting what type of spots your foal is going to get? Like Sweety has varnish AND leopard spots (is that leopard?) and Wazza had the blanket butt. Whats the likely spot pattern to come out of that?
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Update: Bindi's udder doesn't look bigger but it looks like its getting squished from all directions. Could that mean is changing downways but not sideways?
So I might not get spots? Boohooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!

Love your horses Di, and thanks for the explaination.
Perfect examples Diane - and beautiful horses too.

Hayley, if you want another example (and sorry but I'm being lazy here!) go to my website, www.ancasterstud.co.uk and click on the "On the farm" button, then on "Sussex", scroll down a few pics to the ones titled 'the story of a boy and a horse' and the year is 1995 with g/son Hamish as a 4 year old with new baby Narcotics (nokomis) as a bright bay foal, next pic is two years later with him and Narcotics, now a dark bay with a few obvious spots, then the last pics show Hamish having his first flying lesson as he enters his teens followed by a perfectly 'snowflaked' Narcotics!

Narcotic's dam (Redlands Nutcracker) is a dark bay (no spots in pedigree) and her sire was our blanket spotted stallion Tyrospot Patch (he's on the website somewhere). Cotics herself has thrown a snowflake filly from a spotted stallion, also many black and white pinto's (pintaloosa's?) over her years with us from our black and white stallion and last year's foal is, at present, a dark bay but being by our spotty boy (Ancaster Masterpiece), we are waiting patiently to see if any spots emerge as the years go past. LOL!!

I love the way the spotties can suprise you with what they produce - although you may have to wait years to see the final finished product!!
oh I agree, my sweetheart Britt was a different horse each spring. I bought her cos I loved her deep chocolate colour then each year she had more varnish.

group 005.jpg

hols 2010 025.jpg

Merlin 6 days old 009.jpg
Oh....all of your pics give me hope that when I clip my little Rocket in the spring I will find spots! He is from a pinto mare and a pintaloosa stallion....and came out solid bay.
I am super excited to see both your little ones, but especially to see what comes of Sweety and Wazza...really hoping for loud spots!
yes Jess it is exciting to see what these babies hide, I was over the moon when I clipped Merlin to see he had spots on his bum. I can't wait to see if he gets more this year

It's a bad pick but you can just see dark spots

29 August.JPG
I want to come to Europe and worship at ALL your feet
! Crystallos will tell you that I, too, am bonkers for SPOTS! I can't wait to take that winter coat off Katya and see what's under there. Her face is amazing, her lips, nose, eyes, hoohah, and bag are spotted. I'm so in love with her I can't speak whole sentences. And her foal will be a crapshoot. No telling who bred her. Some of the 170+ minis at the auction were so loudly spotted, they made your eyes ache.

One can hope.
oh wow Diane, they are stunning
I must admit I do prefer the apps that are black based, they just seem to stand out so much more JMHO
I think I agree with you Renee, black based definately looks more striking.

Nothing much to report here. Bindi's udder looks a bit bigger in the photo from yesterday but it was out of focus so it might still be the same lol. Will take another this arvo to check. Other than that I'm really confused to what she's doing. Her belly has gotten this size then stayed the same, some days she looks pregnant and others looks to be shrinking!
The only major change is behaviour is her day sleeps are more frequent and lying down instead of standing for them. Still hoping she's cooking something in there and at latest she would be 9mths pregnant.

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