SAME HERE!!! lol. I was going to get some photos this morning but its come over drizzly. From tomorrow onwards its supposed to be sunshine so I'll take some pics then.
I'll let her know lol. Just eating breakie then out to take some more photos. I had a look a few days ago and it all looked the same, hopefully this morning she might have some nice ****ies under there
No, its quite cold here still. Altho cold here is probably mild for down there lol. Yeah, i'm hoping she holds off till august, nothing like a yearling that looks like a newborn
I hope she follows textbook too so I get plenty of warning. I think she may have dropped. Couldn't see it till i compared photos from last week. What do you reckon?
Oh YES!!!!! She's dropping nicely and is even a bit forward of center, so things are progressing beautifully!!!!! And, I'm VERY excited about that beautiful udder!!!!
Give us an udder picture in like 2 days, and see how quickly she's growing. That will help us gauge her momentum!!
I can't wait to see again how she's changing! I really don't think she'll go very far into August, but seeing how quickly she's building that udder will help us estimate!
Depending on fill time/progress I'd guess you have a week up your sleeve. But if she starts to fill quickly you could lose that week easily! At this stage I do a twice daily udder check, you're looking for general fill progression, temperature changes, the 'hardness' of how it feels and of course the nipples parting. Those things should give you a better time frame.
If she was my Rivain I'd say a week.... if she was Twinkles I'd say 2 to 3 weeks
They are a bit mean arent they! Last time I checked before this morning was Friday arvo and there were no changes. But I'll keep checking from now on and I'll post photos in two days time, see what you girls reckon.
Just need to have those teats to separate a bit more as her udder does it's final fill - could be a day or several days, it's a guessing game LOL!!
Keep an eye on the colour inside her vulva - most mares change this to a deep red within hours of foaling - hopefully she will be one of these mares and will give you this last minute sign?
Cant wait to see what she produces - it's been a loooooooooooooooooooong wait!!
Would be nice if she took a few more days. All of a sudden I feel like I'm not ready or capable of seeing this one safely down! I'm hoping Sweety will just slap me across the face, tell me to calm down and show me how its done lol