Here are a few of my 'blacks' - they are all related. Original mare, Black Bess of Croust - British Shetland, obviously must have been black at birth, but was totally white by the time I got her aged 16, she's lightly flea bitten in the summer, now in her 30th year and well and truely retired!
Bess has produced this filly by a black stallion - filly greyed out by the time she was 3.
She then produced these two (filly and colt) to my red dun stallion - both stayed their birth colour.

Another of Bess' daughters, BB, a solid black mare by a black pinto stallion produced these two fillies, the first by my red dun and the second by my Falabella stallion Ansel (liver chestnut), both these two turned out to be and remained true black in their colouring.

Colours are soooooooooo interesting!!
I think we are due more pics of your pretty little girl Hayley.