My dog has been on Rimadyl for a couple of months now. The vet said it might upset his stomach and suggested kaopectate. Any other ideas on something to help the stomach while on the med?
You may be interested in learning how to unscramble language your animal's language. Personally for me it is of great interest. I might even be able to understand my animal better.Have you tried giving your dog some probiotics? They can help support digestive health and may ease stomach upset. Additionally, feeding your dog smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day could also help. On a totally different note, did you know that dogs bark differently depending on where they're from? In fact, dogs in different parts of the world have unique barks and there's even a science to studying them! Similarly, cats meow in different ways depending on where they're from. It's pretty fascinating stuff.
I disagree. I have a senior dog rescue, I’ve used it for years in young and old dogs. It’s Vet approved and I’ve never ever had an adverse reaction at any time. Wait a minute I just realized you said the dogs on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories so maybe Rimadyl then yes you can’t do Pepto-Bismol thenPepto scares me in dogs- because it contains Salicylic Acid. I would not suggest giving it in conjunction with another NSAID such as Rimadyl, you're asking for an upset stomach or stomach ulcer. Talk to your vet about giving Pepcid or Omeprazole instead, much safer and will help more.
Is Pepto-Bismol Safe for Dogs?
I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I hope the next few weeks bring some relief. <3
Yep, I've been taught never to advise an owner to give Pepto if the dog is already on NSAIDs.I disagree. I have a senior dog rescue, I’ve used it for years in young and old dogs. It’s Vet approved and I’ve never ever had an adverse reaction at any time. Wait a minute I just realized you said the dogs on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories so maybe Rimadyl then yes you can’t do Pepto-Bismol then