Ring test for sex of foal

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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North Carolina
Hi all,

Well I thought I could remember what straight and circle meant , but now I can not. I tried to find the thread but it is not on here anymore that I can find.

Please post the results again. I will make a written note this time.

We did several mares today. . . some were circles, some were straight and two were nothing (I remember that means no baby). Our first ones are due in a few weeks. Fingers crossed and whisper a small prayer.

Thanks, and happy foaling to eveeryone.
Thanks, I have written it down now. So far we have 2 fillies, one colt and 2 open.. . . .10 more to try
The ring/nail test is when you take a plain gold band wedding ring or a non-galvanized nail...tie it to a thin string or long piece of horse tail hair. You hold it over the mares back just above the mid back(about 4 inches high) and wait!
Sometimes it takes a while for it to get going. BE PATIENT!!!! Hold it as still as possible and it should start to swing back and forth or in small circles getting bigger as it goes!
Back and forth-colt --- Circles-filly Good luck!!!!!!!
Is the mid-back the only accurate spot to test over? I did it over the croup, actually a little farther back than that, more over the udder and the ring reacted almost immediately. On some it actually lifted up on the non string side! Very strange, but will be interesting to see how accurate it is!
It probably doesn't matter too much exactly where over the back...maybe it all depends on where the foal is when the test is being given!!!!
I did it for fun tonight on 8 broodmares and got 3 fillies and 5 colts. The other 2 broodmares that I have that are in foal I didn't do yet. We'll see if it is accurate when my foals arrive.
Has anyone ever did the ring test that either moved in a circle or a straight line and the mare was NOT in foal? I recently did this on a pony and the ring moved in a circle. Had the pony vet checked to see if she was in foal and the mare is open. Was not in foal in the first place. If the mare was in foal she would be due the end of next month and she was just checked a week or so ago.
Had the pony vet checked to see if she was in foal and the mare is open. Was not in foal in the first place
..... Probably needed to pee.
.. Some say this might have something to do with the water in the sac or in your mares case - water in the bladder?
The last time I tried this I had the results show that we had 2 open mares and 2 carrying fillies. In actual fact all 4 were in foal, all carrying fillies.

This test has also told me that some of my geldings were carrying either colts or fillies...

I deemed the 'test' to be highly inaccurate and don't bother with it any more.
I did mine and it says filly. I always have fun with this! No, it is not totally accurate but fun. I believe it just follows the electrical currant that run in the horses and foals body. Some are stronger than others. Since my mare is @ 344 maybe I will see soon.
I heard you were supposed to rub it on their back, then lift it up.

Anyway, here's how I remember the difference, just remember that the colt is in a line, like the body parts that make a colt a colt and a filly a filly.

Mods- if that's too graphic, feel free to cut it.
LOL at Humhill quite a good way to remember though

I have had 2 foals born in the last few weeks. When the mares were pregnant I gave this a go and it said filly for my first mare and colt for the second was pretty happy as thats exactly what I wanted. Didnt get my hopes up though.

But it was right ive now got a lovely filly and colt just like it said

It may not hold alot of accuracy but its fun and helps keep you amused on the long wait.
How does this work........ I'm picturing everyone running up to their peeing mares trying to get some on a stick...

IS that true?

How far along do you do it, BTW?
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