River Rose Farm

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Come on Terry, I am chomping on the bit to hear if your new baby has arrived yet.
Terry I am praying you are too busy playing with your new foal. If your issue is bad weather I pray you stay safe
So sorry to leave everyone hanging. Big problems here and not with Dutchess! I was able to get logged on Fri. after deleting cookies and doing about five other things, then Fri. night we had a Nor-easter come through, with heavy rain and high winds. Needless to say I didn't even try to log in on Sat. we were cutting up trees and removing branches, fixing fences, well you get the idea. Then yesteray LB wouldn't let me sign in at all, and today it took me two hours to get signed in.

Anyhow to the subject at hand. Dutchess is still holding on to the foal! Which really is a good thing since she is not all the way bagged, stool has gone back to being normal, and it must have been gas causing her to kick at her belly and swish her tail. Am still waiting. I borrowed my grandsons lap top and am going to try to get a hold of a wireless router and see if I can use it since I'm having so much troubles here with this one. Sorry for the delay in posting.
Oh I knew you all must be worried, and I was bound and determined I was going to get logged in somehow. Happens to me every time LB is upgraded. Not to forget my computer is not well, and still having a hissy fit. If I hadn't been able to get on, I would have gone to my youngest daughters tonight and get on hers. Actually thank you for your worry, it lets me know you care! How is the snow there? We were lucky with this last storm and only got rain, I don't envy you with shoveling snow. Now I'm afraid to sign out thinking I may not get back on. Think I'll see if I can post a smily. No smilies for me
Here, I will smile for you
The snow isn't too bad thanks, I guess we have about 70 cm so far and it is easing up, so it isn't as bad as was forecast. I went for about 6 months without a computer and it was just awful
not being able to chat with you ladies made me feel as though I live in the middle of nowhere (which I do)

Give Dutchess a hug (and a big squeeze round her tummy) from me
So glad to hear that you are ok Terry - you really had us worried there!

Good thing Dutchess is hanging on for the moment with the nasty storms you keep getting.

Fingers crossed for an easy foaling when she makes up her mind.
A little update, Yesterday was just beautiful, the sun was shining. One of those make hay while the sun shines day. I gave Dutchess a good grooming, she needed it, as she is shedding already. I used the shedding blade befor the brush, and got out a ton of hair. I hadn't wanted to give her a maternity clip because it is so early in the year, but I may change my mind if she continues to shed out this much. Also I think the foal is pressing on her bladder and she is urinating very tiny amounts, and often, but no other impending signs of delivery. Looks like the foal is getting ready, she is bagged more, but not much action in the girly area yet. If my computer wasn't having such a fit I could post more pics. That is all for now, hope this posts, as I'm still having problems with LB too.
Thanks for the update Terry, I am glad all is well and that you have some nice weather. I just love sunny winter days
Our snow storm past over without much damage and I even managed to take the kids skiing.

If your computer will let you email me the pics I would be happy to post them for you


hugs from afar
Yes Terry you worry me when you disappear like this, I know you have pc problems so I am praying that is the reason.
It's my computer, it keeps having a hissy fit, and I can't afford to get it fixed right now. The computer guy says I need a new hard drive and with trasfering all the data will cost me around $200. We had to buy hay this weekend, so no extra money.

Anyhow, Dutchess is still hanging in there, thank goodness, because the weather is very cold! She has been uncomfortable the last couple of days, and is starting to bag really well, and is getting a "V", but not slabbed sided yet. My computer won't read my cameras memory card right now, but my printer will and it will send them into photobucket, so if the weather, my computer and my camera co-operate I'll try to post a few new ones. Can't even sign out on LB cause if I do it won't let me back on.
We understand Terry as long as all is well we can wait.
Life without a pc is grim, good luck
Another night of waiting has gone by, and still no foal. Tomorrow is day 345 if she took on the first breeding, if not then day 345 will be on Fri. As she was hand bred only twice. I'm getting lots of error messages on this dumb machine, and the lap top I borrowed won't let me on line no matter what I do. Won't be long now, waiting is harder on the humans then the mares!
Still pregnant, I'm very pleased with how she's bagging up this time, but nipples still need to point down. She was very restless last night, lots of laying down and getting up, head tossing and pacing, but no labor yet.

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