Yeah, lol. And don't mind her corral there...her and Dakota have destroyed the fence. At one point, they had it to where he could just step into the backyard and hang out with her, lol. So, there are little pieces of fence EVERYWHERE. Brats...
Got a good bit of snow between last night and today. SOMEONE just refused to use her shelter, lol. Neat thing about it is that I could see every time the baby kicked, because the snow on her would move! All kicks have been very high up in her flank
Oh and if you would like to see more snow photos, click the link
However, I think I'll stay in Iowa and just look from afar (aka Facebook)
I blows my kind how low she looks but we do have to take into account that she wasn't exactly thin before she was pregnant. She looks about as big as my mare did when she was close; and that was after six pregnancies.
She is still on track for Papa. I suppose that she could still pop out a long ear though, but I doubt it LOL.
I didn't get a photo from behind today...stupidly. She sneaked out through a new gap in the fence and went for a stroll in the pasture today, little turd, lol. From what I remember of her belly, she did look less wide, but I honestly can't remember exactly. I will snap a photo tomorrow though! I have some milk replacer on hand in case I need it, but I will let my vet know as well. Thanks guys
I will get a photo of her from the rear when it warms up a little From what I saw this Am, she was still fairly wide. Her udder is about the same. Looks like it is thinking about growing, but not there yet, lol.
Lol, isn't she huge?? I am jealous of Molly's udder! I swear we have been waiting for this baby since August! It sucks having a "sterile" mare that has been around three possible daddies LOL