This is Denny (Dennis the menace) he is also known as Gamblin Park Gangstar, but mostly we call him Denny or "Oh NOOOOOO" lol. Denny was our 2nd ever rescue and when we took him on we had decided we would fix him up and find a new home for him wellllllll that was 6yrs ago now
and he still graces our paddocks.
This boy was a total mess when we got him, nasty, scared and in huge pain. Denny had been purchased as a pressie for the grandkiddies lovely idea IF you know what you are doing. Denny is a Grulla Buckskin Palouse with TWO Big Blue eyes and was about 19" when he was bought by, with all good intentions, a Grand dad and Mum for their grandsons. Unfortunately they did not train him nor did they GELD him. Rears and nibbling are "cute" when your 19'' tall and a baby but not so nice when your a 4yr old Stallion (and a frustrated one at that)it was about this point that things went from horrible to tragic. Young boys being young boys and somewhat rough were playing with Denny and well one boy got a bit to rough and Denny stood up for himself and bit the boy and this is where it goes horribly wrong, the boy was not punished for his nastiness towards Denny but Denny certainly was for his reaction so what do you reckon they do Retrain the pony???? NO they BEAT him and Beat him around the head with a piece of 4 x 2 timber until he was all but knocked unconcious. I am not sure how he was saved initially but I met him and took him on about 2wks after, he was full of attitude and would bite you rather than look at you so we loaded him on our float (he left the property on hind legs I don't like rearing lol). 3 days after we go him he was a diferent pony the nastiness had subsided and he happily jumped on the float and off to the vets for the snip poor boy but a better option for both him and us. His teeth and jaw were also badly damaged so vet suggested we geld first then work on his teeth and jaw best not to be sore at both ends lol.
Several weeks later he had recovered well from his gelding and he was booked in to start getting his teeth all sorted the day I bookied him in I had the farrier out to do one of my big mares (who Denny is in love with) now this why I NEVER paddock big ones and little one together my mare is 17.2hh and Denny was trying to "put her back" in the herd well she kicked him in the face and almost knocked him out it happened so quick
there was blood everywhere and poor Denny was unable to get his balance we rushed him to the vets expecting that he would have to be PTS
but quick thinking and a HUGE amount of luck Denny came good in the float on the way to the vet ( I sat in there holding him all the way) and after xrays and treatment he is still with us today
in February this year after 5 long years we have just had the last treatment done on his mouth and he has been deemed "FIXED" lol. On and off over this time we have taken Denny to a few shows he has been dubbed the ADHD Pony lol as he can never stand still lol but he is getting better.
In 2009 we took Denny to the Perth Royal Agricultural Show and Denny competed in his Mini Pony Gelding class against 8 other very well bred ponies and was awarded 4th Place I burst into tears (I am welling up with tears as I write this bit) I could not have been happier then he went up against 20 mixed age and sex Mini ponies and was awarded 6th BEST Western Australian bred Mini Pony to say I was an emotional mess would be an understatement and it will be forever etched in my mind as one of my MOST PROUDEST EVER moments it was one of those Life changing moments god now I am bawling sorry lol
anyway here is Denny
These photos were taken on the 19th December 2011
These were taken in 2009 at my daughter Kandices 2nd ever show

and this shows Dennys cheekiness to a T
He has come such along way and would have to be one of my proudest personal achievements