It's amazing to me how a person's religion somehow affects how * I should horse show*. Seperation of Church and Horse Show please.
I completly agree with Erica and Carol, many of you need educations before you start flapping your pie-holes.
Susanne shows a perfect example of how handling how she feels, by not doing what she dosen't want to and winning. Hello.
Yes but we need to breed better horses because clipping them somehow Hides conformation falts?? Right, right, and giving them a bath chages their natural color too huh?
Unlike Lisa, I will not apologise,(or spell correctly, sigh) this is stupid (the entire thought, though I am also one who isn't a fan of eyelash shaving), and it's Stupid people proposing it. Think, please. Try it just once.
One more soap box, Electric Accupuncture is Not cruel. I have seen it and had it done on Lots of my non-sweating or debiliated rescues by VETS!!! We are not talking 120 volts here people, it's a small tingly current, and yes I have had it done on myself. (It tickles and it's odd, Not painful) The point is to make treating that "point" more effective if the horse has a very severe deficency.
I am not sure how any of you find it cruel, it must be that the idea is yucky and you have never had or seen it done.
And if your defense is, the horse gets so upset and jumps around... RIGHT, because horses are not Flight animals. My horses get freaked out when we paint the fences or put a new fly mask on, let alone someone new and scary who wants to Poke them. Do some research, ask some questions to Qualified people, then form your opnion.
(Liposuction, nerve cutting, and all of that crazyness should be absolutly banned I completly agree, That is alteration of an animal, and cruel.) Bring on the flames, I am so sad and upset by the past week I would LOVE to vent on you as well.