Sad day for us mare aborted foal

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2004
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southwestern pennsylvania

It is a sad day here for us , I have never had a mare abort found this in the paddock .The mare would have been approx 190 days and had no signs of anything wrong..The mare is fine. Can anyone tell me if you see anything wrong with the foal that would have caused the mare to abort. There were no knots in the cord or anything.It was a colt .This was very hard for me as this was one of my most looked forward to out of two blk pintos.Any advice would be greatly appreciated...Also want to ask bought mare already bred both parents are pinto and the stallions half brother is lwo positive and i know these parents were never tested could this have been an lethal white foal???



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I am so sorry you lost the foal, Is the mare ok ?? We have one mare who aborts every time unless she has the pnuemabort shots faithlfully,

She is no longer bred for her welfare we have her as a pet now.

I personally would have a necropsy done to see if there was anything wrong. again Im very sorry,
Oh well -- darn it. I know how dissappointed you must be! And he looks like he would have been pinto!

Glad that your mare is okay........ Wish I had an answer for you. Have you examined the placenta for odd coloration? It should be a nice deep red throughout. If it's not, there was stress somewhere, perhaps a mild uterine infection.

To help you make a judgement call, check out Kim of Crayonbox Miniatures' website. She has an excellent page on aborted foals at different times of gestation.

May I just say how sorry we are here at Looncall Farm. We are too old and have health problems so don't breed but we have in past..(Shetlands)

I'm no expert and sorry to take up post space but hope you find the problem. Could it be nutritional? I know there are some grasses etc that can give them problems Fescue?..others here are very knowedgable so defer to know that's the hardest part not knowing why.

Bless your mare and hope she doesn't grieve for the little guy.

Maxine and Carl
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Just want to say we too are sorry for you, having experienced losses before over the years it is heartbreaking. Thinking of you and your little mare. Lavonne
First off, I am so sorry for your loss.. We had our first abortion around Thanksgiving last year...

I'd say your gestation estimate is pretty close.. Second I really don't think you lost this little guy to LWO.. You can visually see his color pattern, looks like he would have been tovero, the little filly we lost was younger than what you are estimating this baby and you could see she had a wide blaze, white socks.. Also I keep saying he as you can see (at least from the pictures the way the foal is laying) that it was a colt..

Personally, I don't see anything that stands out as abnormal externally that would have caused him to be aborted, but there are still many other possibilities as to why..

I'm no expert, JMHO.. Again, I'm really sorry for your loss..
I am so sorry for your loss. Our mare aborted a fetus at 3 mos this year. Losing the foal was touch on my girls. It was the first mare we had abort a foal. I will be praying for you mare that she does well.

My heart goes out to your mare and your family.
I am really hurt over loosing this little one ...This is the first one that I have ever had abort .I am just heartbroke ...I guess i should probably not get my hopes up until they are on the ground...Panda is doing fine and has had no ill effects , I think she knew he was gone ..I feel really bad for her..I just wondered about the lwo as I know the farm does no testing .. Thank you
Being you can see the markings no, it couldnt of been LWO. Sometimes just a simple fall can cause them to abort.
So Sorry to read this. It can be hard to really find out what the cause really is. Glad to hear the mare is doing well.

I am so sorry also. I know how this feels. I was in your positon last year. I am just holding my breath this year. There could be so many reasons. Sometimes mother nature just knows better.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
It's heartbreaking I know from experience. I'm glad your mare seems ok though.

Second I really don't think you lost this little guy to LWO.. You can visually see his color pattern, looks like he would have been tovero,
Tell me how you see the color pattern. Is it the darker purplish parts that would have been black? I just have no idea how this works.

Yes the darken areas would have been the pinto markings...From what I have learned.

I guess mother nature knew something wasnt quite right and took this little angel home....Panda is still doing well , She is eating and everything like nothing ever happened...I think she is taking better than I am..
Tell me how you see the color pattern. Is it the darker purplish parts that would have been black? I just have no idea how this works.
Yep, the darker colored skin would have been where the color would be and the lighter areas would have been white...

Here is the picture of the filly we lost last year:


You can see how she had the same dark pink color overall, but her lower legs and the blaze on her face are the same light color as the colt above.. Dam of the filly is tobiano and sire was solid..

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