lucky lodge
Well-Known Member
Oh Jenny please dont panic. Too many folk get a fixation on the foal feeding. This is why we get out of the stable very quickly after foaling, stand outside and watch, make sure foal is getting to its feet and that Momma is ok, go and make a cuppa and return to watch but from further away. As long as Momma is ok we pop in a small mushy feed and some good leafy hay, wait while Momma eats so we can remove the bowl, and then leave them alone, just returning every half an hour to observe.
Foals do not need to drink immediately, they can go 3, 4 5 or even 6 hours, but most will feed before this obviously. You have to realise that a foal is almost blind when born, it works by scent and will follow/latch on to whoever it 'finds' in it's space. This is the time it NEEDS to find it's Momma, not a human, and it needs to find it's Momma distinctive personal smell, not a human one. Once it identifies it's Momma's scent it may well wander around the stable looking quite clueless (!!), but it WILL return to it's dam and it WILL eventually catch on to the scent of her milk and hey presto, after a great many misses, it WILL drink!!
99% of the time (if all is well) a foal left well alone, will find the milk bar - and yes, they will often lay down and rest before they feed. You just have to keep observing and be patient. Trying to guide a foal to the teats can often put them off and if you then move away, they become even more confused and take even more time to go through all the 'moves' to find and attach themselves to Momma. Please give your new little baby some time before calling the vet - nothing more stressful for a new born foal (and to it's poor Momma) to be grabbed and manhandled and to have a tube forced down it's throat to get food into it when more often than not had it been left alone it would have managed very well. Sorry but I feel very strongly about this, as might be obvious!![]()
That said, of course if you are at all concerned that thigs are not progressing well, then a call to the vet is a must.
Good luck - and pictures asap please!!

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