I went for #1
To each their own opinion, but I'm surprised more haven't voted for #1. Thought it would be higher. In my opinion it's no one business who you choose to be with.
My aunt finally came out to us about 5 yrs ago. We knew, but were waiting until she was comfortable telling us. It was such a relief when she told us, she could be herself around us and bring her 'roommate' of 11 yrs to visit us.
I have to say I wish she was straight, would marry a man and have babies because it would be so much easier for her, unfortunately she will have people judge her in life based on her lifestyle and I want the best for her, but she's in love and happy with her partner and I want her to be her and happy!! Plus I now have 2 wonderful aunts!!!!
I've met many same sex couples that have better relationships then some straight couples I know!
Living in Canada now, but grew up in the states I find Canada is much more open to same sex couples and marriage, although I'm sure it also depends on the state.