Ah, but you're going on the assumption that "7 days" was 7 24 hour days as we have now--in reality, no one know's how long God's days were! For all you know his "day" could have been a million years long. Perhaps when he created "man" it was a neanderthal man and all other of his creations were basic organisms...basic life forms that then evolved into today's creatures. Perhaps Gad shaped the original life forms and then helped them to evolve....or perhaps he simply allowed them to evolve. Perhaps it doesn't have to be creation vs. evolution....perhaps it is some of both.
I understand it must be very hard when you're trying to believe in something for which there is no evidence and long comes every single field of science you can participate in all coming to the exact opposite conclusion backed up with hard facts. I love the "well a day to God isn't like a normal day" argument to try to make the biblical version fit the known facts of how old the earth is just a tiny bit. But if you study the ancient biblical texts, and biblical scholars will back this up, the Hebrew word for "day" as used in Genesis 1 IS the word used for a "normal" 24 hour day. This god claims to have made it all in 7 24 hour days (well 6 as he slept for the last one - must have worn his omnipotent self out

So this god made plants and trees and fruit etc and left them on a pitch dark freezing cold planet without a sun for over 2 million years!!! Give me a break - that's million years stuff makes the argument ever worse. There's is NO WAY life like that can live on a sunless planet.
Can you tell me how a sedentary colonial coral "walked" from a reef in Micronesia to the Ark (and then back again afterwards)? I'd love an intelligent answer rather than "ohhhh, you're tempting me" *teeth chattering* like I earlier got (chuckle). No, I'm asking you to use your brain instead of blindly believing a bunch of books thrown together almost 2000 years ago by people that didn't even know Mt. Everest existed. I bet if they did they would have changed how much water covered the land lol. Your intelligent Minimor...
"Don't blindly believe what I say.
Don't believe me because others convince you of my words.
Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts.
Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation.
Don't infer or be deceived by appearances."
"Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion."
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it,
no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.