Saturday Night Live Appearance

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Millstone Farm

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I usually don't post these things as a "done deal" until they actually are filmed, as there are always so many variables that can affect whether it gets on TV. But I've been having trouble logging onto the Forum from home, so I decided to jump the gun a little and post it now. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to post it until Monday.

Tomas, aka What a Follys Tomahawk, who some of you may know, is scheduled to appear on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Rehearsals are tomorrow and of course the show is broadcast live Saturday night.

Thought some of you on late night mare stare might be able to catch it. He's to appear with 2 ponies in a skit that requires him to be a unicorn. Tomas has some experience in this area, as he was featured in a huge fashion spread when he was a baby (see photo below).

My agent is really excited about this gig -- more so than all the other jobs she's gotten for him (Vogue, several international Vogues, Today Show, H&G magazine -- and loads of others).

If I can get some pics, I'll post them. Those in charge don't always allow photos to be taken; others don't care in the least. Hopefully, I will be able to get Matt Dillon to pose with Tomas!


Tomas as himself


Tomas as a unicorn in 1999
Jen, how wonderful and I'll try to catch it if I can.

Oh cool. What day?

Edited to say: Oh my gosh. I just realized what a silly question that was. Oh well it's good for a laugh.
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That's great Jennifer. I will look forward to it and try to tape it, too.
[SIZE=14pt]I never miss SNL.......will be looking forward to this one...fur shur!!!! :aktion033: [/SIZE]
Very cool Jennifer, will be sure to watch!

I got to see him even though I had a mare foal and difficult birth during Sat. Night Live. I got the baby born and saw he was great and came in for the end figuring I missed it. And there he was!!! Too cute!!!!
wow what an achievement,did you sign him up for it with an agent ,sorry for being soo nosy,id love to see in it but were too far away,enjoy the day,i think its wonderful, hes such a beautiful horse
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Thank you so much for all the congrats! We're both exhausted but it was fun. I will post pics from the show in the next few days. I got a few of Tomas on the set.

He's such a good sport and did a great job. Everyone with the show was impressed by him.

TV is like the army -- hurry up and wait! He had one rehearsal on Friday that went well. Matt Dillon was a sweetie and really liked Tomas. The ponies were not so crazy about Tomas. The mare who was next to him was not partial to minis and made it very clear!

Saturday was a very long day. We had to get into the city by 1 p.m. for rehearsals. They had us do 4 throughout the day. Instead of putting him in the green room, as they director wanted, I made a comfy box stall for him in my trailer so it was no different for him a horse show.

Of course his was the last skit of the night, so we had to stay until the very end (1 a.m.). Tomas was pretty tired by the time he went on the air and wasn't as animated as he had been in all the other takes.

The cast loved him. They want him back because all of them want to work with him. He got lots of "Good job, Tommy's" from all the cast members.

To answer Shane's question, yes, we have an agent in NYC for Tomas and Martha, my Jack Russell. She's the top animal agent and has gotten us some amazing jobs (Martha's last gig was walking the runway during fashion week for Isaac Mizrahi). Tommy's been on TV a bunch of times and has been in several Vogue magazines, has done work for Neiman Marcus, House & Garden, etc. Although the agent reps all of our horses, Tommy and Martha are the "stars" and have the perfect personality for this line of work -- neither one ever met a camera they didn't love. When they see a camera, they come to life and really pose.

We'd get a whole lot more work for Tomas and Martha if my schedule permitted it. I also turn down a lot of jobs for Tomas that I don't want him to do (I won't let anyone sit on him, obviously).

Until I get the photos from the Saturday Light Live gig on here, I'll post 2 pics of Martha.

This one is a job Martha had for Conde Nast company. It was in Times Square for several months:


And here's one she posed herself for when she saw a camera in my hand at home (she loves to wear clothes):


I'll get those other pics off my camera tonight and post them.

Great job! I didn't get to see the show. I don't watch much tv, but I loved the unicorn pic you posted, and look forward to seeing the shots of Tomas from the SNL set. The Martha shots are adorable! What a little ham! LOL
Here are a few pics we took during rehearsals. I am hoping to get a few of Matt Dillon with Tomas that the PR dept. at NBC took. If I get those I'll certainly post them.




(yes, that is purple vetrap on his toes! He's secure enough in his manhood to sport purple in public!)
This is so neat!!! We will definitely be watching his SNL gig
And, my boys can relate to being forced to wear purple. My little men all must wear purple (stable halter, sheets, blankets, coolers, slinkies... even the lunge whips are purple!). Anyway, we will be watching and now for more than just Matt Dillon (*sigh* so handsome!).

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