I was told by a vet a few years ago, that Banamine can slow down a horse's G.I.track, and therefore, it should never be used during a colic. (Which is exactly what we were using). I don't know if your little guy is on Banamine, but I imagine he is on some pretty strong pain meds right now. I'd be worried that they may be adding to/causing the impaction, so it might be something to look into. We were told that pain meds have a tenancy to relax the intestines, rather than allow them to keep working at full potential. We were given a med that supposedly works well for pain but doesn't affect the intestines. I can't remember the name of it just now, but I can find out if it is something that you'd like to discuss with your vet. Our two minis who were colicing at the same time, made a huge improvement after we took them off the Banamine.