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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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I sent a reply to the first email I got from this woman, in hopes that it wasn't a scam but it sounds like one. What do you all think?

Hello,im intrested in this horse and i will like to know more about the health condition also like to see the recent pics and the least price you will offer it last for me.

Her reply after I sent more info about the horse.


Am so sorry for my late respond cuSs i need to talk to my husband concerning

your asking price if its okay by him,can i offer you $750 for the last price?if

its Okay by you kindly get back to me as soon as possible so that i can make

arrangement for your payment and the shipper.i will also like you to get back to

me with your full name and your address also your phone number.
The ad sounds borderline scam to me. The first thing I thought of when I read it is how uneducated and weird it sounds. Even if it was real would you want someone owning your horse that 1) only wants a cheap horse and 2) may not know enough to properly care for it.
No, I wouldn't want him going to a home that didn't know hat they were doing.

I asked her where she is from and if she has horses but as you can see, she never answered my questions.
I've never sold a horse but I wouldn't sell to someone I had any reasonable doubts about. Just wouldn't be worth the risk to me. I know there are no guarantees, but I'd just have to wait for a buyer I was comfortable with.
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I tend to agree with Mona.....

My red flag is going up because she did not ask you any questions about the horse.......PLUS didn't answer YOUR questions.

Also, we get initial inquiries via e-mail all the time, BUT we have NEVER sold a horse without several phone conversations with the buyer.......and if they are within driving distance, we encourage a visit. The whole situation seems very odd.
All the scams I have read sound just like that. Very little in the way of true horse questions. Think about it. You would ask how old, has he had shots, is he good with the farrier, can I have the vet check him out, etc. If none of these are asked, it is a scam.

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