I am so sorry to be so late but this is really the best for the last for sure!!! My brother had an accident on the 26th and was in the University of Michigan Trauma ICU unit on a ventilator with a brain bleed.
I was late getting back to Ohio and you have no idea how wonderful it was to open that amazing package from The Netherlands. Patricia van Haperen, Divigo, you really lifted my soul with such a wealth of thoughtful gifts! so many great things, little jams, candies, the candles, so fun opening and discovering everything.
My total favorites, the Stroopwaffels!!! OMG! Never thought I would see those again.
Lovely note in the card, the candles were made by their 3 kids, a necklace to call angels to keep me safe, much needed for those trips to Michigan until my brother can be moved back to Ohio.
BTW, he is finally on the mend, as of today walking, talking mostly coherently, but a long battle ahead to beat alcoholism (he did get to sleep through the withdrawal at least), and he has to decide sobriety for himself, but he will be on his own if he goes back to it. Hopefully this was his rock bottom!
Anyway, back to these wonderful gifts!
Dogs beyond happy! I did make them share one package with my brother's dog who is staying alone at my brother's house. His favorite snack being other dogs, and cats, he can't come stay here. That dog was so happy for the treats, he kept coming inside, sitting by the stove and staring up at a cubboard where I think his treats had been. He is thrilled to have a new supply for sure, and all the way from the Netherlands!
Ours killed their share in very short order.