Well-Known Member

I got spoiled by both of my Santas! My camera and computer no longer play nice together so I can't post pics

Santa AmySue got me a Kliban cat plush! I *love* Kliban cats! She also got me such a neat Fitz & Floyd figural cat mug and salt & pepper shakers! I love Fitz & Floyd! And she knows my love of peacocks and she sent me peacock feather earrings! Thank you for being my Santa AmySue! I love it all!!!

Santa hgriffin got me some cat earrings, some long bells Christmas earrings, a smooshy toy, a bunch of really neat candy stir sticks to use in coffee to make yummy flavors. And my very favorite things, a giant mug with a gold crown that says Queen of everything. I LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! Thank you so much Helen! You're awesome!

Still have 2 more to go until the SS for 2017 is overwith.
Please everyone, be sure to come sign up for the next SS in OCTOBER

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