Little Bits
Well-Known Member
I am curious as to why people sell horses without papers. I am trying to understand the reasoning.
IMHO, selling without papers does NOT DETER those who are greedy or ignorant enough to breed poor quality/poorly conformed, or otherwise non-breeding animals. Those people will breed reguardless of papers, unless they can be informed and educated by the seller, as to WHY that animal shouldn't be bred. If we as breeders/sellers would pay more attention to who we sell to, and do our best in informing the buyers...perhaps the breeding of these animals can be lessened.Some times if the seller is selling as strictly pet quality, at a pet quality price, and does not want the animal bred, they will sell without papers. The horse may have conformation problems, foaling dystocias, etc.
I use to feel that every horse should go with their papers, but as the market dropped and minis started selling for little or nothing I have reconsidered my position.I will not let my breeding quality horses go for these prices (I'm talking $200"truthfully haven't sold one for that kind of idiocy yet anyway) with papers.
What if a foal was born with bad conformation problem (s) (ie. bad bite or twisted legs or dwarfy characteristics etc.) and the breeder decides at birth they are not even going to register the horse? Is it then OK to sell them without papers because they are not yet registered?I agree with Sue C. Every horse deserves to have his papers go with him/her if they have papers to begin with.Selling a horse and not giving the papers doesn't mean that horse won't be bred by any means. Once the horse leaves your hands, is paid for and goes to the new owner it is their horse to do with what they wish. If the horse has papers, he/she deserves to keep them until death. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
we always sell with the paperswe had 1 pet quality filly last year
with a bite that was off
and we sold her to a non breeding pet home
with an understanding that she should not be bred
But she still had her papers