I think this is frustrating and annoying - it's almost like you need to check the recall list before you go out
and purchase your next bag, each and every time.
It's never affected us here in the PNW but it makes me ill at ease every time I go to shell out big dollars for dog food,
whether this might be the time it is local to us.
If the dogs didn't pack on so much weight when I cooked for them, I'd go back to doing that.
There is a dog food made in the US called NutriSource. It's made in small batches and their rep, we met at a dog show,
told us that they shut down processing between each batch and totally clean their machinery.
They do this so there is no chance of cross contamination of food types as many dogs are allergic
to one product or another.....
Their food is comparable in price to other high end foods and they come in a grain free also.
The dogs really loved their Pure Vita line.
Our problem is that it's not available locally to us and we have to drive 50+ miles one way for it.
Works fine if we can combine trips that direction but bad when you go, "Duh, dang we're nearly out of
Anyway if anyone wants to see if it's available locally to you here is their link.At least it's another choice.