We have Nubians and our kidding season here starts at the end of February. The plan was to have all 10 does kid out in late February to early March, but I guess it doesn't pay to plan like that. Instead I have 3 does kidding within about a week of each other in Feb/March, then two kidding mid-to late March, then three kidding mid to late April and one AI that will kid in mid-May.
We had trouble using a very young buck this year so girls didn't get bred as planned and trouble with AI equipment left 2 of the 3 AI's open One doe due in late March (the AI that took) aborted about 2 weeks ago so she gets some time off and then will be rebred in another month for LATE kids. I'm supposed to take some kids down to Texas in mid-May and bring my buck, some kids and maybe an adult doe up so I'm sure hoping that everything is calm about that time.
Next year I'll use CIDRs on the adult does if I have to in order to get early kiddings out of them.......I need the milk they produce for the kids the younger does will kid out and this year's screw up in plans leaves me in a bad position. Due to a HEAVY cull year last year (bloodlines that don't cross well on what we're concentrating on, poor quality udders on does purchased as kids etc) our herd is pretty young right now. We shouldn't wind up in nearly as bad a position next year however as we have some nice upcoming doelings from some VERY nice bloodlines.