Next I sat here last night and one by one counted the exhibitors that showed at Congress. Here is what I came up with . Area's 1* 2*3* & 4 had 80 exhibitors.. Area 5 , 6, 7 & 8 had a total of 49 exhibitors.. Now this is actual people who owned horses at Congress, I do understand several, more tham likely had horses with trainers from other area's , Just as I train for people in Area 2 , and I know that Amber Trains for people in Area 5... There were two Directors from Area 6 that sat right there and could have brought Lincoln up for a vote, but did not..
I as a director did talk to lots of people from my area ,and Michelle I did talk with you and the group at that table , just as much as your group wanted Lincoln, there were people in Area 5 , which includes Ok, New Mexico and Arkansas, that did NOT want it to go to Lincoln , and really there were more that did not want Lincoln..

OH! And I told those I would vote with cost in mind first..!! It was no further for me to one or the other .. So I actually did not care in that respect........I
VOTED WITH WHAT I THOUGHT WAS BEST FOR THE SURVIVAL OF CONGRESS . It is not a easy Task being a Director as I have found out because at times you will just be wrong regardless of what you do .. I try very hard to represent what my area members want, and at the same time do what is in the best interest of the Assoc. And believe me there are lots of times those two things have a big Conflict and then when your area is divided on a issue well there you go , But I feel that the board did the right thing for the good of the ASPC/AMHR.
Thanks for listening.