SHOW-- Costume Contest!!!

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Really nice
what a adorable little girl and the costume and horse arent to bad either
Oh, yeah! at Pondlake Stables helmets are required for EVERYONE riding, regardless of age!

BTW, Ashley (Moose LMJAsh) has been doing a great job teaching Christina and Lorrie (her 15 year old mare) to become a riding team!

Yeah for the MINIS! jennifer

(Proud mother of Moose LMJAsh)

I LOVE that picture!!!!

Lorrie looks just beautiful!! I just knew she would have a wonderful home with you!

It looks like she really enjoys having that darling little Christina riding on her.

You take such excellent care of your horses, I would NEVER hesitate to sell a horse to you because I know they would have the very best!!!

Hugs to you, to Christina, and an extra special hug for Lorrie!!!!
And to think that people ask what they are good for?? Your photos say it all - Just adorable. Wonderful costume design and well deserving of the [SIZE=21pt]Blue[/SIZE]
Boy... don't know how I missed this thread... what an adorable pair!!! And that photo of your little girl riding that mare is wonderful... that tells the whole "Mini" story right there!!!

That darling mare reminds me so much of a mare that I just sold, RF Bar's Amanda Lee... Amanda and Bob's mom Ginger were half sisters and Bob just LOVED her! I wonder if Bob saw her and thought... "hmmm, she followed me here...! LOL!"

Anyway, great photos.... will they be coming to Nationals next year?

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
suzy, we are planning on coming. not sure is christina will be, but next show season her and lorrie will be showing in leadline together. been thinking about showing lorrie in mare and foal classes....but she's open for 2006 so that's a ways away.
qtrrae said:
Hey MooseLMJAsh!!!Those pictures are adorable!! Look at that proud smile on little Christina!

Lovely costume, definitely a first place winner!!  Blue looks so patient and is one more of the wonderful examples of "What Are Minis Good For?"

Thanks for sharing - what a nice early morning start to the day!!!




How cute! Congratulations - I love watching the costume class kids and that little girl looked so happy, proud and she is just adorable! Her mini was cute, too!

THANKS for sharing!!!!! Enjoy it now while they are little - my son loved costume but has grown too old (in his mind) for showing in it!


Silversong Farm

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