Show plans 2011

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Northwestern Missouri
We had such a great time last year meeting some of our LB friends at shows. Where are you going to be this year?

We will be at the SMLEC shows in Carthage, MO in June and in Colombia, MO in July. We are also going to Nationals. Depending on what the budget allows (read to mean: if I end up getting the horse I'm bidding on in the Taylor's sale or we may end up at Area IV as well. We'd love to meet you all!
I belong to a small local club that is having 5 shows this year from May through July. I hope to attend all 5 shows with one of our two year olds. I wish I could show more but that's all I can managed. We'll take two with us to each show because I don't like taking one alone in the trailer. The drive is long (2 hours) but the people are so nice and helpful. It's a great way to spend a Sunday
Well, we have the "definate" list and the "hoping" list : )

The "definate" list is Sioux Falls SD May 13-15, Winona MN July 1-3 , Winona MN July 22-24, Sioux Falls SD (Sioux Empire Fair) August 10.

Our "hopeful" list includes Denison IA May 20-22 and SD State Fair Labor day.

Would love to go to Nationals, with or without a horse, but not sure it's going to happen, son will be in school, not sure if hubby will be home. So I guess that would be on the "dreaming" list ! LOL

Then lots of open shows in between there, we belong to a local show association that we show the minis and also my Saddlebred - lots of fun, good practice and cheap, and we're going for some year end awards with the Saddlebred, so that takes a lot of June and July.
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I am very fortunate to be able to show a few times a month with my yearling filly. We have shown in five shows since the end of february, and plan on showing in one more between now in June. We are showing in the Pinto Worlds this year in Tulsa, OK, so all of our heavy showing is being done now, and then after june is when our show schedule slows down a bit. Then I will be showing in the AMHA worlds later this year in Ft. Worth since it's only a half our drive for us!
The MCSBA Spotlight, Waterloo, Iowa show would sure love to have everyone come and join them in having fun. There are non-rated Golden Oldie 10+ classes for every sex in every division............and a $25 cash prize for first place.............We are offering 483 classes so everything for everyone. Also have a professional photographer coming and she is donating a free photo, More details on that later........

We have been donated hot water washers so there will be 2 LP hot water washers in every rack..........Also $250 cash and a trophy for the High Point Amateur.......Free exhibitor meal on Frid night during the Liberty Classes and a birthday cake on Sat. night.

A embroidey trailer will be there so you can have jackets/shirts/ hats made up while there at the show.

The club is giving to every YOUTH exhibitor a fleece embroidered blanket in honor of their participation in the show........

We are hearing news that gas prices are to be at the peak now so we can only hope that they may go down from now on, so people can get to their designations without too much hardships.

The club also offers "memorial" trophies of clocks "A time to remember" for $15 for each sponsored class and you have your "in memory" ( can be living or deceased person, pet or thing) and the "sponsor" engraved on a plaque on the clocks. Over 42 were given out last year and we have over half spoken for already but with 483 classes offered, there are plenty for anyone to choose from.

Just contact Merry Wicke, show manager if interested.

We always have lots of fun and urge everyone to come and join in.
I too have a "hope to get there" list. Right now I have 4 entries laying on my desk waiting for decisions. We'll be at MCSBA -Waterloo, IA. May 27-29; have to go to our own club open show June 4, Manitowoc, WI; probably AAMHS June 18-19, Cedar Rapids, IA (just because I love the facilities so); and Area VI at Winona, MN. July 1-3. After that we hope to make a couple of State Fairs and Nationals still has a big question mark on it.
The plan is to send my yearling appy colt, Sharpie (CheyAuts Write Out Loud) to the R Nationals
I just hope I get to go as well! I work 7 on/7 off, so hopefully he would show on my 7 off... I basically can't get off from my 7 on. I will have to fly out alone and leave hubby at home to take care of our animals though
We can't really travel because of them. Sharpie has already been in an A show and an R show here, and has another R show in about three weeks
my show schedual is on my website, it may be added to soon because i like to enter my critters in fair parades.
My local mini club has 4 shows each month. The 3rd Saturday of each month (May-August) Plus a game show and a banquet at the end of the season. I'm hoping to hit all 4 or at least 3 of them to qualify for year end awards. I'm really looking forward to my 2nd year showing and getting my two year old colt out their for his first show season!!
I may or may not attend the game show as it consist of running back and forth all day and I know my minis don't enjoy that
The shows are 2 hours away so we have to watch the gas tank
Hope everyone has a great show season!
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We've already been to one show back in February. Missed the March show due to finances and the April show due to not having a trailer (my fault...I sold it a week before the Our next show will be in May in Okeechobee, then the June show in Ocala. No shows lined up for July and may or may not go to the August show, since we'll be gearing up (financially) for Nationals. Will be there, of course with 1 (possibly up to 3 horses). My stallion Khan will be there with Corey and I will be picking up my new mare and her foal (not YET born...waiting! lol), which the foal will be in both the Stallion sweepstakes class and the Futurity class. So will be bringing home up to 6 horses!
We're looking forward to Sioux Falls and the Iowa shows as well as the three Minnesota shows -- two in Winona and one in Buffalo, which is about half an hour west of downtown Minneapolis.

The AMHR-sanctioned show in Buffalo is the Fab $5 Performance Classic on June 4 -- performance classes only, and only $5 per class. And that's with three judges. That's as inexpensive as any show in the nation this year.

The show manager is Mary Wilson and all her contact information can be found on the site under Events. You also can contact me. It is being held at our facility.
Just two shows for me: The Manitoba Summer Fair Show on June 8th in Brandon and the Manitoba International in Brandon on July 16th. Both are ASPC/AMHR sactioned shows, and I plan to take 6 ponies to each one. Would like to take 7 ponies and 1 Mini, but I'm only 1 person & can only get so many ready.
It sounds like lots of us will be at Nationals. I was unable to attend the entire show last year due to my work schedule, I only managed to get off for the days of Shake's classes and a rest day in between. I even missed the LB meeting by a few hours
. I have already put in for those 10 days off this year, pending approval of the upper management. I sure hope there is another LB get-together planned!

Hubby, the boys, and I wish everyone safe travels and wonderful experiences this season!
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I have three definites right now - Buckeye Miniature Horse Club open mini/pony show in Newark, OH on May 14 which will be our first show. Praying that the rain stops sometime before them or we may have to swim! Then our first AMHR show - the Area II Summer Sizzler in Urbana, OH on July 9-10. That is also the weekend our fair starts, so the girls will be showing the boys in the 4-H shows that week.

I have some "maybes" on my list - but those all depend on time and finances. Would love to go to the Buckeye Spring Classic in Ashland in June - but my husband and oldest daughter are gone on a mission trip to Ecuador that weekend, so probably won't make that. I might try to make it to the Area II National Show in Greenville, but just to watch. We're not quite ready for that yet! I woud love to do the Ohio State Fair and the Darke County Fair. I showed at both of those shows years ago and they were always a lot of fun - but we will just have to see how the first part of our season goes!

We are going to be at the Shelbyville KY show and the Bowlig Green show. Both are AMHR. We are also hoping to do a few local shows. We will see. Hope to see you all there!
We are only going to be a two shows this year two. The two clubs we belong to: Central States (this year's Area IV show) and H.A.M.E. in Belvidere IL. (and the county fair where our first two minis were the first minis ever shown there!). We would LOVE to go to Nationals; but just can't afford it. I would love to get my Mom there. She's 81 and loves showing her little guy in Costume and western pleasure. I would love for her to have the chance to show him there; 'cuz as she says: 'who knows, this could be my last year showing' (she said that last year too and , good for her, she's still at it!).

MOMINIS: If you get to the Area IV show come say HI-our stall drape says "Charlton's Pony Farm".(even though all we have are minis now)

DONNA123: I would love to come to your MCSBA show in IA. It sounds like a nice fun show! Who knows-maybe we can swing a third one!

SANDEE: Didn't you used to belong to HAME? I seem to remember you and a few of your horses names.
I have got a really really fabulous tall yearling filly sitting in the pasture that Needs to go be seen.

If we can figure it out in the finances, she will head to a trainer, and be shown.

Asides that, we have a local show that isn't sanctioned that starts up after the summer that we will show the foals at to get them the experience.

All the sanctioned shows are just too far away for us sadly.
We are only going to be a two shows this year two. The two clubs we belong to: Central States (this year's Area IV show) and H.A.M.E. in Belvidere IL. (and the county fair where our first two minis were the first minis ever shown there!). We would LOVE to go to Nationals; but just can't afford it. I would love to get my Mom there. She's 81 and loves showing her little guy in Costume and western pleasure. I would love for her to have the chance to show him there; 'cuz as she says: 'who knows, this could be my last year showing' (she said that last year too and , good for her, she's still at it!).

MOMINIS: If you get to the Area IV show come say HI-our stall drape says "Charlton's Pony Farm".(even though all we have are minis now)

DONNA123: I would love to come to your MCSBA show in IA. It sounds like a nice fun show! Who knows-maybe we can swing a third one!

SANDEE: Didn't you used to belong to HAME? I seem to remember you and a few of your horses names.
I used to go to H.A.M.E but never did belong to the group. We did well there a year or two. When they dropped to one judge and kept the same prices, I stopped going. Forgot to mention we are also going to Minis in Motion, July 7-10 in Escanaba, MI.
Our new stallion Buzz will be heading to the amha show in Randolf Ohio 5/14. we hope to also be able to attend but might just have to stay home and wait to hear how he does. Any one here going there we can look up if we make it?
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We dont know for sure what all shows we will make it to, these are some of the shows we hope to make it to, there are some others but these are probably the most likely:

Souix Falls, SD May 13-15

Denison, IA May 20-22

Waterloo, IA May 27-29

Waterloo, IA June 11-12

The AAMHC show in Cedar Rapids, IA June 17-19

Winona, MN July 1-3

The Iowa Pinto PtHA/AMHR show in Cedar Rapids, IA July 30-31

AMHR Nationals

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