Show us your Christmas tree!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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SW Oklahoma
I LOVE Christmas trees! In fact, this year we have two, in the same room!

I'll be taking pics of them to post later.

Can I see your tree pretty please???
I dont have a pic from this year, but I have the same tree as last year. This pic was taken before it got any presents under it. I have mostly blown glass ornaments and think they show up much better on my white tree. I used to have a green one.

l'm not a big Christmas fan but my other half is like a big kid this time of year so l have this little santa and tree l do for him every's gone boxing day back in it's bag in the closet ready for next year


Lots of (surprise) horse ornaments on it you can't see from the picture.

Here's ours! We always saw it down. I have photos because my college girl doesn't get home till tomorrow and she wanted to see it.

Before gifts:


Close ups:

See Santa with the mini? It's my favorite ornament! I wish it was turned for you. See the teething ring my kids used?


Lots of wooden garland on there:


Shimano looks good with a tree behind her!


With gifts--just wrapped.


Yup--that's my thread to the right!! 100 spools! WooHoo!!
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I LONG for a real tree. But they are very costly here. A few years ago we got a lil fake one. I saw a fake one at Lowes I actually like! So that's what my mom got us

So.....I wanted to put up both trees!

Both are in our living room.

The 5.5 foot tree on a table.

With things our friends have given us over the years.


And the new 7.5 foot tree. It is pre lit with white lights, but me being me, I added colored ones!

I didn't take close ups of my horsie decorations. Thanks to CretaHillaGal, I've started my own glass decoration collection. I went to buy her one last year and got some for me too! LOL


THANK YOU for posting yours!!! I LOVE them!!!!

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Nice trees everyone. I have an artificial tree but didn't put it up this year as there is simply no room in the loungeroom.

I have actually decorated my chimney for the firepalce with tinsel and decorations. Looks great! It's summer here so we aren't using our fire.
No pictures. But, we had to get a smaller tree this year because we had to put it on the dinning room table. Brandy is only 7-8 months old right now and we never know what she will do. We can leave the house sometimes and she is very good and leaves everything alone. But then there are times she chews everything in the house. We had a basket with plastic holly and she ate it the other day. Tonight she chewed up my 1930's Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book. She hasn't touched the tree yet. decorations are a bit scarce too. Maybe next year.
We don't have one, isn't that funny, we have a Christmas Tree Farm and no tree in the house! Oh well, we have acres of them outside the door, maybe we will put one up later this week. I stay out of it, Judy is super picky about the lights being just right. She usually decorates on Christmas day and I am always in Michigan with my family anyway. She and Peter drink eggnog and decorate, well she decorates and he watches.
Here's our tree, it's not as fat as the ones we usually get. In the past we have gone to tree farms and cut down our tree but this year we bought one already cut.


I'm not really a big fan of live chickens (even though we do have some) but like them for decorations,here's one of my favorite ornaments.

Very pretty trees! I do enjoy looking at them.

We got ours from a local tree farm this year. I do have a couple of artificial small ones in other rooms, but our main tree is always fresh. The last three years we have done real bird's nests, cinammon or wax ornaments, artifical birds, and a few things for sparkle. I was ready to return to our colorful bauble tree this year, but my husband wanted to do the bird's nests again. All my neighbors look for nests for us. I made a little cloth mouse to lay in some of the nests, and some have real eggs.

The star is from our first Christmas--37 years ago. Hasn't even had a light bulb change.

Here's my tree-nothing on it but horses, even my tree topper!! My skirt is also kinda horsey-its a cowboy snowman! And you can see that all my little ones have their stockings hung in hopes that Santa brings some treats!

Here's's a real one, a little cedar tree that I got from one of the back horse pastures, so it's uneven and not symmetrical, and the poor topper about weighs the little branch on top down

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Oh, they are so pretty. Keep them coming please.
Oh thank you! I have come back again and again to enjoy them! I love them ALL!

More please???
Here is our Christmas Tree - most of the ornaments on it are hand made.


This is my favorite ornament given to me for my birthday - this was my last gift from our son, Kerry. It will always hold a special place in my heart.


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