JMS Miniatures
Well-Known Member
This will be the first time I will be showing a solid white horse. He should be shown with clear hooves right? Not black? His legs aren't long, nor short, just right in length.
Yes this is for my gray stallion. However, he is solid white. The pic of him on my site is old, like 97, I plan on taking better pics of him once he is cleaned up quite a bit.I always use black. TO me it looks more finished. My horses are aloud to be horses so they have discolored and dirty hooves. Plus they are driving horses so tend to have a bit more damage to fight with.
I am guess this is for your gray stallion, in my opinon grays look better with black feet.
I agree with this, ifyour feet dont look perfect dont do clear. And getting them to look perfect all the time can lead to discoloration and stuff that needs to grow out.Unless you sand and polish your white hooves AND there's no discoloration on the hooves, I would go with black. Clear polish on damaged hooves really takes away from the horse. Plus, there's still that mind set out there that a black hoof equals a strong hoof, while white equals weak.
I think you ment NOT blackened...right? :bgrinAs for any judge who will not pin a horse if the feet are blacked, IMO he's not much of a judge!