sick boy

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Hello, just wondering how your boys are doing? Still praying for them..I read the story about the vet visit. I thought that only things like that happen to me.. I would be rich from funny home video's
Hi Vicky,

Hope all is going well now. Please keep us updated with his status. I know the feeling, with the camera on all night with the volume all the way up just listening for any little sound out of the ordinary. It's an awful feeling.

I'm soooo glad that his temp is coming down. It's a great sign that it's in the 99 range. That's a relief. You must check it every 1/2 hour to hour like I did, just to make sure and then take it again!!!

I'm still giving meds, but they are all orally. Mix with water and squirt. I hope your guy doesn't have to be on them for long.

I'm still a little suprised they didn't take any bloodwork just to be safe???? At least to check his white blood cells?

Your guys are in my prayers.

Talk to you soon,


So glad to hear that your beloved little horse is still doing better...and appreciate your further explanation which made clear that you had spoken with your vet BEFORE giving the first dose of banamine--that is how it should be done!

I very much agree with keeping banamine on hand when your trusted vet is a distance away, AND your vet feels you are competent to both judge when/how, with his/her advice, to administer it-I do that myself; I am pretty much in that same situation! Perhaps I was not as clear as I wished to be; my reference was more to instances where people seem lacking in horse experience, yet seem to both have banamine(and sometimes, other meds that should only be administered on a vet's direction)readily on hand, and are making decisions somewhat willy-nilly about administering it--I have sometime seen posts on this very Forum which indicate that, and they always make me uneasy. Some vets must be more 'casual' about dispensing medications than I remember from some years ago, and I would sometimes question the wisdom of their being so...JMO.


I am glad you did bring this up, it is important for people to know when and how to

use the med's. It is so important to check with the Vet's first. They may have a better

ideal on the treatment, but also then they know what is going on, what the owner has


I do like to keep some with me, when traveling with horses, incase we get out of range

to a Vet and one gets colic or a fever, I can give a little and get them to a Vet. And with

our Vet so far, I can call them, give the med's and get on the way. So I do like having it.

I don't think he would give it to just anyone, He knows we travel a distance to reach him.

He knows I know when to use it, I know to call also. Sad, to know there are others who

have to travel a distance to find a good Vet. I want our babies to have the Best.

Our Vet is very good. Dr. Tony is out this week. The Vet who is in, is the one

who treats the smaller animals. He helps out in the horses when needed, and is good.

I think that is why he did not run the blood work, I think he felt this is what is wrong

with Gabriel, and this is the treatment. Now if he was not better today or gotten worse

yesterday, believe me we had been right back there. He was good with his exam, the

one to notice Gabriel's head is all swollen, and he was breathing through his mouth. He

did a full exam, checking glands, checking his intestines, listening to him. And Gabriel

was full of fire, his temp was down. So I trusted him, and Gabriel seems to be on the way

to getting better. I wish we could give the med's in the mouth and not in shots. He so hates

the shots. It breaks my heart, he looks at me, like My Mommie is hurting me. And then well

I get you back. But that look, just breaks my heart. He is getting Penicillin, with Pen/Dex/Chlor

shot once a day. And it seems to helping him. We only have 3 more days of shots. And

banamine if he is running a temp or acts painful. His temp was 99.7 all day, and tonight

he was 100.7. And yes, I keep running out to see has it changed. Gabriel is like, well where

are my treats, how about my Ice Tea? Yes, he is milking this up. But he is sick.

Yes the trip or the getting home was quite the picture. I do wish we had a video of it. My

poor Mom, she always gets it. When ever she and Gabriel get around each other, he always

get's her. He is very jealous of me with anyone else. No one is suppose to be with me. Just

he and I. Once he was like to my Mom, lets play, but she ran, climb up a fence, and he was

standing there looking at her, like why did you do that. He stuck his tongue at her, I got that

one with the camera. It was so cute. Mom did not think so. He does try to rear at her, and

get her. I don't know why. He is just jealous I guess. But he only relates to me, he does not the

other horses. That's another story. He was bottle raised. So he does not get he is a horse.

But he is feeling better tonight. I will keep a close eye on him, he is under the camera and will

stay there.

Thank you for all the continue prayers, they mean so much. But keep praying till we know he is

for sure over this.

Thanks a million


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