I believe that the government should assist those who are losing their homes on a case by case basis.
I almost lost my home about 10yrs ago. I had a great job, was making really good money and life was
good. Then my guy woke up one morning and informed me he was leaving. He had planned this for awhile without sharing. No fighting no warning just bye. Then the company I was working for had major cut backs.
I was one of them. I was a buyer for ship repair. Well their aren't alot of opportunities to get a job doing
that same thing. Tried to get other buyer jobs but they felt I was extremely over qualified and would become bored only buying one item rather than every item all over the world. Go figure! At least my daughter and I could have eaten. Don't find that too boring. I ended up getting a job in my little community in a quick mart. Making minimum wage and working what ever odd hours they would give me during the week. They did however allow my daughter and I to eat one meal at the store for free a day and take the
left overs home at night if their were any. Luckily for me I had friends who really assisted me with feeding
my horses. I worked at a stable to pay for board. I had elder friends who gave me their hay from their fields. My house was 30 days off the auction block when a elder friend and another stepped up and loaned me the money to save it. What a blessing that was. Oh by the way. Everytime I got paid I went to the bank cashed my check and purchased a cashiers check with all the money I had but $50.00 made out to the
Mortage company. They wouldn't accept less than full payment up to date. I was always a hundred or so shy. What I have learned is this. The most important bill a person has is their home, be it rented or mortgaged. It means a dry place to sleep. I will not buy a home that doesn't have wood heat in it for these situations. At least then you have heat. I can live without electricity but feel it is important to have a roof
and heat. The only thing I don't understand and agree with is buying your home with a floating interest rate to save a point or so. Trust me the rates will always increase at some point. Real Estate in our area was crazy for a couple years. You couldn't buy a 2 acres with a mfgd home on it for less than $300000 I know of a place with a double wide, a shop and 3 acres, an in ground pool and a pond that the owners wanted
$600000 for
. Give me a break. They are my friends but still that is so extreme. They needed to get out of the property what they had in the property. I really don't believe that will happen. They haven't sold it yet. The place I own now is worth at least double what I have a mortgage for. It is considered in
a prime location and I can sell and buy more land. My heart breaks everytime I hear of someone who has lost their job, their home and their lives as they knew it. Should some people just walk away. That is their decision to make. They have to do what they themselves can live with. Should other people judge them for the choices they made. No! Here is my question to everyone on this forum. Their is a huge over stock of horses of all sizes and breeds in our country. Would it hurt anyone to stop breeding for a year or two and help to solve this problem. Is it the almighty dollar that keeps people breeding. What good is a better horse if it ends up on the auction block for running loose trying to survive. We can help we just have to make that choice. Sometimes Life happens and when it does it destroys alot of people. Sad but true!
I know this will irritate some but reality says that we have bred so many horses they no longer have homes available to go to. Shelters are full of dogs and cats that need homes. When they can't get a home they
are destroyed. People are still having children they can't afford to raise so we help to support them.
Families are having to move in together to survive. Personally is that really so bad having families raising children and the children being close to their gdads and gmoms or aunts & uncles. Okay I will step down from my soap stool and hope that our country as we know it will survive this. But not without every American pitching in in some way to help out. Isn't that what this country is all about.