Silver Buckskin / AMHA Registration

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
I need to file for the AMHA papers on my new filly, Flirt. She is silver buckskin (see below) and is out of my new silver dapple mare, Hope, and by a perlino -- so it seems both by her background and pictures logical to figure and see she's silver buckskin.

The AMHA application is checked off "buckskin". Is it possible to have the papers issued saying "Silver Buckskin" or is "Buckskin" as close to correct as I will be able to get on her AMHA papers?

Additionally, I will be filing / hardshipping Hope and Flirt into AMHR based on their AMHA papers. Is silver buckskin a possible color with AMHR, and if so, do they require pics to prove it?

Thanks for your help,


Flirt (silver buckskin for sure):
Nice filly, Jill! Of course, I am partial to dilutes.

I tried to have a colt registered as "silver bay" and AMHA sent me a notice that they no longer accept "silver bay" so I registered him as a "Bay".
Thanks, Karin!

I had a feeling "silver buckskin" might not be an official color option with AMHA. Why would it be?

With the holiday weekend just having happened, it just actually register in my mind this morning that TODAY is the day my new mare and filly are leaving their home in MS to come to VA! They should be here sometime Friday I think.

I asked Tony one time about that as I had a silver Buckskin and he said just to reg it buckskin as buckskin comes in many shades.

So thats what I did!

The registery does not accept silver bay, but does accept silver dapple bay, would go with silver dapple least that is what I did this year, papers aren't back though so don't know if it was accepted.
I was doing my silver buckskin's A & R registrations at the same time. I put buckskin on both sets of papers and put mixed mane/tail. AMHR sent his paperwork back to me letting me know that a buckskin had a black mane/tail.
: So....I had to send a picture of him and specify silver buckskin.
I was doing my silver buckskin's A & R registrations at the same time. I put buckskin on both sets of papers and put mixed mane/tail. AMHR sent his paperwork back to me letting me know that a buckskin had a black mane/tail.
: So....I had to send a picture of him and specify silver buckskin.
Yes with AMHR I sent in photos too. The same photos I sent to AMHA.

As long as I have been reg foals I have always sent A & R the same pictures. Just so R could see the foal and told them to keep the pictures on file.

Now I am glad that they are doing the picture thing for 2007. At least they already have what mine look like.

Just not on the reg papers that I have till they go perm with new pictures. At least they will know its the same horse.

AMHR simply requires that you send photos for any "out of the ordinary" colors, such as silver bays, etc. I registered a silver bay with A and R as recently as last year. I can't recall if I've ever done a silver buckskin, though. However, if silver bay is acceptable, why not silver buckskin?

Jill, on the line in front of buckskin, I would write "silver."

The AMHA studbook won't show the horses as being silver bay, but their papers say silver bay. I have registered at least two silver bays, one as recently as last year. 3C Skip A Brooke is registered as a silver bay with AMHA and AMHR, and I do paperwork for someone else and registered R3 Legacys Hot Spot as a silver bay with both registries. I'm pretty sure I did a silver buckskin with AMHR, but I don't remember his name.
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Eesh, there are enough mistakes on colors on registration papers without the registry insisting that silver bays get registered as bays...if they will accept silver dapple bay, couldn't they just change it on their own when the registration application comes in with 'silver bay' specified? What do they think silver bay means?

As for AMHR--they do accept "silver bay" without any question, no photos required. I know, because I've registered a few this way--the latest was just this summer.

I know some on here said AMHR won't accept silver buckskin without photos. Last year when I had a silver buckskin to register, I didn't even bother--I just put buckskin on her application & called it good. Regardless that she is truly a silver buckskin, at least if someone looked at her & then at her papers they would recognize that she is a buckskin.
Found him! The silver buckskin I had the color changed on was Lynn's Glacier Lake Handy, although he was R only.
Silver Dapple bay is what a silver bay really is. The horse is a black carrying two gene that modify the black color. One is the agouti gene which makes the horse bay. The second gene is the silver dapple gene which causes the light mane and tail.

We call it a silver bay because its easier and some people don't like silver dapples. Silver dapple bay is really the correct term.
I had a "silver buckskin appaloosa" filly this year and sent in A and R with this description. AMHR sent me the registration with that description and waiting on AMHA. Haven't heard back from them yet

I registered a 2005 colt as silver buckskin pinto on both A and R papers, no problem.

Thanks for all the input!

I called AMHA yesterday, but after waiting on hold awhile got bumped to voicemail. SO, I emailed and also sent a link to a picture of Flirt to demonstrate she is not "plain" buckskin but "silver" buckskin.

Assuming I hear back (they've been good in the past with emailing back), I will let you all know what they tell me.

PS, Flirt (and her mom, Hope) should be at my place TOMORROW via Sharrway
I do not agree that silver "dapple" bay is the correct term, nor that the correct term is silver "dapple".

The correct term is Black Silver or Bay Silver but I and most others, put it round the other way for easy reference.

"Dapple" is not a colour- I suspect it is a modification similar to "Sooty" but it is not a colour, nor a description of a colour.

It is a description of a pattern, for sure, or more correctly, I suspect, a modification, but not a colour.

For example I have known many Silver Blacks with NO dapples, I have known only a very few Silver Bays with dapples and with Buckskins it becomes even more difficult- Buckskins without Silver often have dapples- do we call them "Dapple Buckskins"??

Not that I have heard.

So, why, when we add Silver to the mix do the dapples suddenly become important??

Sorry, "Off Topic" I know but I did not wish to let that one pass as it is dear to my heart.
Just wanted to share with you all what I heard from AMHA. I know Jane will not like this, but I will be registering Flirt as "dapple buckskin". With "silver dapples", they may or may not have dapples but they are still silver dapples in my book. Actually from one season to the next they have and then loose dapples and even from one year / same season to the next, they have and have not dapples. Just depends. It's too bad they do not acknowledge the color "silver buckskin", but I feel "dapple buckskin" is the more appropriate choice over just "buckskin".

Thanks everyone for your input!



We do not recognize “Silver Buckskin†any longer. However, we do “Dapple Buckskinâ€. So you can either register it as Dapple Buckskin or just Buckskin.

Thank You,

Pam, Registration Dept.
That has to be the daftest thing I have heard all year!!

Is Tony around??

Perhaps he could give some insight??
I do have one AMHR mare registered (by her former owner) as a silver dapple bay. Personally I think it looks kind of funny on paper that way, but I suppose it works, since the silver gene is known as the silver dapple gene.

I do think "dapple" on its own is rather misleading, but I guess for those who know that dapple means silver dapple gene is present in the horse, dapple buckskin is more specific than just calling them all buckskin.
The gene is actually "Silver" not silver dapple- that is something someone somewhere lost in the mists of time added, I guess it is descriptive of some of the colours but, as I said a little while back, it is not descriptive of the majority of them- Buckskins often have dapples and no silver, Silver Blacks and Silver Bays often have no dapples etc.

I'm not sure why AMHA made this change as it seems to be going in the wrong direction to me- I grant you that a lot of people do call the colour Silver "dapple" but surely it would have been easier to have dropped the "dapple" bit than to drop the "Silver"- now we are, once again, going to get loads of people mis registering Greys and non silver Buckskins as "dapple" *[SIZE=8pt]sigh*.[/SIZE]

So "dapple" on it's own is a bit daft as it does not describe the colour only the pattern, which a lot of horses have without ever having Silver.

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