sitting on my hands

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Going back and reading though all her past posts I am rather confused, at one point she say's she's nineteen, (When she's asking about Youth age) yet in another she states that her 19th B-day is June 26 06!

The information she is asking about is serious stuff, and shows the fact that she Does indeed know proper care of the animals. (One does not ask about barn cam's and pregancy tests if you can't figure out how to take a halter off. )

Her surgery seemed to be in November, so perhaps the scenario outlined in my last post is indeed the truth. (the "she had no control theory") Which only raises questions as to the people careing for the rest of her animals while she was incapaciated. She seems to be at a cusp in her life, and very unhappy, I still think this was a place to get sympathy, but if it truly is her only avaliable outlet or a safe place, then indeed I am sorry for the way I said things, but not my meaning. I feel for her in this stage in life, but she does need to find a good home for the animals that she or her family are unable to care for....
OK, lieu of holding my tongue I do rather tend to stuff my foot firmly in my mouth, but what the hey, the result is much the same.

I'm too old to learn this discretion and restraint thing- if I was going to get the hang of it I would have by now, I think

I apparently reduced one woman to tears after I had been asked my opinion of her horse at a show.

I asked her "Do you really want me to tell you what I think??? Really and truly, because I shall, if you ask me to!!"

Oh YES she wanted a truthful response.

SO.......she got one.

Apparently what she actually wanted was for me to tell her how good her horse was, but it was a pile of doo-doo so that, basically but in technical terms, is what she got told.

If people do not want this to happen then they should say, "Please do not tell me the truth, I just want some sympathy, I have been a very bad owner but I know that and am in dire need of a cuddle. I will take the flak when I am more robust but right now I am feeling really sorry for myself"

And, for the record, I am in EXACTLY the sort of position she is in, so I do know how she feels.

Have I posted??

NO I am not robust enough to take the flak yet.
I do understand Bonnie, sometimes one just cannot keep quiet and opens mouth and inserts foot, other times we close our eyes, shed a few tears and pray really really hard.
:aktion033: :aktion033:

I do understand Bonnie, sometimes one just cannot keep quiet and opens mouth and inserts foot, other times we close our eyes, shed a few tears and pray really really hard.
:aktion033: :aktion033: i couldnt agree more
My initial post was about my being upset at MANY different situations that have recently come to my attention

where animals have had to pay the price.

I did not want to start a big thing about one particular situation.

I was upset about that one animal yes but I see and get involved in many other situations around this country that make me upset sometimes and I needed to vent BUT it was not just about this young lady and her horse.


So lets decide that we are all in this together and if say you don't like me you still care about my animals and that makes us all kindred spirits!!!

To get back to the horse halter I hope now this person will check halters every day for the rest of her life and then it will be a lesson learned and things move on.

As said I needed to vent and I did and I thank you all for helping me feel better.

I do not feel I am better than anyone and I sure as heck am not perfect and as we know all the saints are already in heaven which just leaves us down here with warts and all,learning our life lessons.

Sometimes we are patient and loving and somedays we go to the well of patience and find it empty,so those days we don't do as well, we're human and we err.......

lets just be as patient and kind as we can be for today!!!

The refreshing voice of reason! Very well said, Bonnie.
I do not feel I am better than anyone and I sure as heck am not perfect and as we know all the saints are already in heaven which just leaves us down here with warts and all,learning our life lessons.Sometimes we are patient and loving and somedays we go to the well of patience and find it empty,so those days we don't do as well, we're human and we err.......

lets just be as patient and kind as we can be for today!!!

Well said Bonnie, I think we are all passionate about our animals and if we can educate each other with a soft hand and a soft voice we can make the world a better place for each other and for all the animals!!! :aktion033:
Yes, Bonnie. I sit tightly on my hands. I want so often to join in on this forum but frankly both forums have become a little scary. So many times posts appear to be from the same person even though they show different names..maybe I'm just a bit more aware and cautious after the incidences proven to be fraudulent.

I wish Mary Lou had at least moved "that" post to the Back Porch or turned it over to KayKay or Virginia..if it is indeed a true story I feel "deep down" that she is looking for a rescue from her horse which she now cannot control after it's mistreatment.
"Who's she going to turn to now?"

Unfortunately, all the resources in the world don't mean a thing if a person doesn't have the common sense to at least check on their animals and observe simple things. I hope and pray that this girl starts LOOKING at her horses and caring for them...or finds them someone who will.

Bonnie...I often wonder if you ever reach out and try to comfort horses like this when I read the stories. It would be so hard to have your gift...but know there are so many of us that are grateful for it.

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Yes, Bonnie. I sit tightly on my hands. I want so often to join in on this forum but frankly both forums have become a little scary. So many times posts appear to be from the same person even though they show different names..maybe I'm just a bit more aware and cautious after the incidences proven to be fraudulent.

I wish Mary Lou had at least moved "that" post to the Back Porch or turned it over to KayKay or Virginia..if it is indeed a true story I feel "deep down" that she is looking for a rescue from her horse which she now cannot control after it's mistreatment.

Judy, I am with you!


[email protected]
Well Amy you are a very astute person or your spying on me!!!!lol

I do as a matter of fat sometimes do try to help these animals depending on how much i have left to give on a certain day, know what I mean?

Because there is not a way i can kind of just connect and do a fluff and buff, if I connect it means doing a lot of work and sometimes i just don't have the energy or the time.

Sounds harsh but that is the reality, there are so many needy ones and I only have so much time and energy.

Some people aren't aware I work a full time job and have a hubby and don't do this full time YET.

Bit i do what i can where I can.


[SIZE=14pt]Well I agree also with Bonnie but I am also somehow empathic with people and situations.... I was bad and got OFF my hands and let them fly on another post on this very board that will probably land me hate mail but short of being able to change a situation from this distance I got strong with the individual. It is so hard when we grow attached to the people on this forum family and we see them in their post making huge messes. Some of us think we (I) have to mother everyone and I cant. I sometimes wonder if the posts are completely true. I dont like to have to think that but I guess Im hoping that they arent so the situation isnt as bad.[/SIZE]

I just sort of figured, Bonnie.
: I know if one pulls on ME that strongly, then you must catch it a hundred times worse. On a side note, every time I start to open up and "get" more I get scared and lock back down, usually for several weeks or months. sigh. In this particular case I was wondering about the picture in that girl's avatar...wondering if it was one of her horses...not sure why I keep going back to that thought. So sad and heartbreaking...


oh and Lyn...hang in there and don't worry about what others think ;)
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(((((Bonnie))))) I think we all have to sit on our hands at points in time, for if we didn't, we'd be in DEEP trouble.
Oh yes, I'm on here so briefly any more--just too busy around home this winter, and when I'm here I read mostly, not post, especially on some threads.

Side with the animal(s) & you get shot down for being mean to the person...and it is the animal's side I'm on...and I'll be darned if I will offer sympathy to someone who caused suffering to a horse, or any animal.

Yes, some things can/do happen to anyone & some of those things may be an error in judgment had the owner acted sooner the animal would have been spared some pain/suffering. Maybe you chose the wrong vet to call & he didn't help the horse, maybe you didn't realize the slight limp you thought was a stone bruise was actually a sprain that got worse because you didn't confine the horse the first night...all sorts of things happen like that. Many of us have been there. Other things....other things just don't happen overnight, & there's really no excuse for the ensuing problems/suffering the animal has to endure.

Some have said people post on the internet things they wouldn't say in person, and if they were said in person they would be rude. Uh uh. When it comes to animal abuse, I hope most people would speak up, rather than be polite, kind, even sympathetic to the person responsible, while the animal is left to suffer in silence. Animals have no voice, so someone must speak up for them.

Here, though, after the fact, there is no point in speaking up. Just add nother hole to the old chewed up tongue.
The original thread was about the person being upset because they might need to get rid of the horse. The thread was not about being sorry for the harm done to the horse - that was secondary.

And this was preceded by a post (the day before?) from the same person who needed help for her horse who was shaking really bad.

Liz R.
I always say ... the world is full of stupid people, and unfortunately, most of them have discovered the internet.
Yes Bonnie I sit on my hands quite often. And perhaps you need one of Jane's (((CUDDLES))) so here's one from me. I don't know how you can do as much as you do for all of the animals you help I know it drains you. I wish I had your gift I'd gladly help you take care of them.
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: Edited because what I replied to was edited.
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