Lil Timber Buck
Well-Known Member
I need some help here. We've been struggling with skin allergies for about 5 years but they are not getting better. I took him to the University of Tennessee for skin allergies testing. After 65 test spots only 2 came back - lanolin and gnats. I avoid any sprays and have added a fan to his room to help with gnats but here we are still. It's not mange, not lice, not anything else according to them but he stays miserable. So itchy and scratched the hair off in several places, the skin is thickened and wrinkled with scabs in the folds. I started him on over the counter allergy meds called allehist H with no luck. I got the vet to write a prescription for allergy meds, still no luck. I'm trying oatmeal baths, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar. Any one help?????? Please. He is on a dry lot, 30 mins of turnout, hay, nutrena special care lol carb/sugar/etc and small grass pellet. Add vitamin E and an apple a day electrolytes with the prescription allergy med.