Small football on Shadow's neck!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
Had vet out and Coggins done on horses last Wed, They also got Rabies and 4way. Shany didn't as she'd gotten the works last April, just Shadow and SHortcake.

As seems to happen they are both sore, a bit feverish and quiet. But drinking ok and eating somewhat well. Poor Shortcake is very stiff. I called vet back, and the Rabies seems to be the culprit.

Now this afternoon SHadow comes up with terrible football shaped swelling on his neck. He does tense up bad when getting shots or blood tests and always makes it worse but this is ridiculis! Poor guy..I immediatly told Carl it was a Hematoma IMHO...called vet and she said yes and to hose it or cold pack it.

We have opted to cold pack it as it is getting hot and humid this weekend and don't want to aggrivate the bug issue on him. So wrapped a cold pack an hour at a time .

Anyone else had to deal with this? I feel so bad for him. He's such a sweet boy.

Yes in fact I have had worse than this happen Several years ago we had a gelding who had his 1st rabies shot here. Vet gave shots and left and within 15 minutes not only was the site of the injection swelling but the poor boys eyes closed up I called vet right back and he turned around and came back. This boy also got a 4 way that day. Vet gave him still another shot to help and gave me an antihistamine to give after the visit and he put him on another medicine not sure what but we never did more than one kind of a shot at a time anymore. It costs me an extra vet call but worth it to me. We do rabies at one visit and 4 ways at another. Your little one is probably somewhat allergic. I still have one in the barn that I have to watch when ever we do vaccine. As she has aged she has gotten better but she still has some tree allergies and needs antihistamine when the allergies appear. They can have allergies just as we can.
Where is this lump--on/along the underside of his neck, where the blood was drawn, or is it higher up, where he had his vaccines?

We had one yearling with a bit of a hematoma after getting IV drugs for gelding last week, but it was a very small hematoma, maybe 1/2" high and 1" in diameter.

As far as vaccine reactions, the biggest swelling we've had would be, maybe... the size of a half grapefruit? We had several get that last year following their 3 way vaccines. All but 2 went away--I'm very disappointed that 2 geldings are left with permanent swellings on their necks; quite large swellings, too--take that half grapefruit & spread it out some & that's about the size of it.

Football sized is pretty big, be it a hematoma or a reaction to a vaccine. Hope it goes away for you & soon!
Maxine, you have a PM, you have some stones in your bundle that will help alot.
Thank you for your caring replies. After an hour of cold compresses it has shrunk half way and Shadow acts like he feels better. He stood stark still and leaned on Carl in his stall while doing this and Carl fed him some sloppy beet pulp and he nearly fell asleep while Carl held and changed compresses.

Never again combining stuff! Poor Shortcake is so stiff, but ate her evening wet beet pulp and hay and is peeing so know she's drinking. Just won't move hardly at all. Thank God no lumps for her.

We nearly didn't get the Rabies, never did before but so many Racoon around this year and a possum we continualy chase off. Can't get into the pasture but there. Woods you know. Thought we'd better to be safe.

Not giving West Nile either..we don't show, and until we have enough horses in our driving club to matter we won't..we do plan to board for two months next Winter though so had to do Coggins.

Thanks, again, Maxine
Yes Maxinne this has happened a few times to me over the years.

In the first place, I prefer a butt shot whenever possible.

Sometimes stiffness does come with the territory so that's why I try to use the vaccines that contain Havlogen. It seems to surpress reactions. You can also elevate water buckets and grain bucket off the ground so the horses will be more comfortable eating and drinking.

It's also best not to combine too many at once, for instance if I were going to give rabies or WN (which I don't) I would only give one at a time so that way I would know which one the horse was reacting too.

I hope they are all better soon. They should be very soon.
Hi all, Well they seem better this morning. THANKS Debs for the advice re the bundle :bgrin Carl had cooled them down and they are eating better and peeing and pooping OK and although still stiff seem to be getting back to normal slowly.

I'm told by the vet it was the Rabies. So now we have decided to not get that one again, to the WNV. (we didn't get that one anyway) The 4 way of course we will continue.

We don't show bigtime, or breed. But we DO plan to be around other horses trail riding and board once in a while a month here and there if needed. (found a great place at a friends) So will have to continue with the Coggins.

I want them protected but sure seems to affect them in a hard way. I don't remember my dogs , any of them ever having such bad reactions to innoculations!

We're off to grandsons graduation.GOing down one day, back the other. 260 miles each way so long ride on this bad body :bgrin

Hey everyone have a WONDERFUL and SAFE holiday weekend!

love Carl and Maxine
Sorry to read that your little one had a nasty swelling develop, but glad things are improving by now.

Your vet is probably right; we see more reactions to Rabies vaccines than most others. They are worthwhile, especially in areas where raccoons are prevalent, but it pays to watch the horses closely afterwards.

I have had horses over 40 years now, and am in veterinary practice, and still the worst vaccine swelling I ever saw was in one of my own animals, a Shetland gelding who reacted, as yours did, to his Rabies vaccine. I had to do cold packs and then, after 24 hours, warm packs, for a solid week. He couldn't drop his head comfortably to eat, had to raise his feed for him, and he couldn't turn to the left side for the first five days. It was so sad.

Our horses are all individuals, and they all react differently. The same day I had vaccinated that gelding, I had also done my two full-size horses and three mini mares, none of which had more than a mild tenderness.

I think you are right to eliminate the Rabies vaccine from that boy's schedule! Hope all is back to normal very quickly!

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