Small wheels/tires on cart ? OK

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MHT Supporter
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
New England
I am looking at a cart on Craigslist and it looks like a regular metal mini cart but has small heavy wheels/tires just like a forecart. Is there any reason NOT to use a set up like this? Will it effect the balance of the cart in any way or cause a safety issue?

This would be a secondary cart for Cappy and my husband to use while I drive Peanut. They never really go past a walk. The goal is to get both minis used to being out driving in company. It's not fancy looking but might fit the purpose and the price is right. And it's red :).

Okay, I'm going to venture in to say as long as the shaft height is correct it shouldn't matter the type of wheel. It may be a little heavier feeling to your mini due to more surface area (therefore drag) on the wheels but probably not enough to notice. While they aren't my favorite look for a cart/carriage I see them used all of the time.
Thanks!guys. I can't get the seller!to return my call :-(. I bet it is sold. If it is still listed Monday, I will try again.

I would be perfect for my husband, it had a rugged sort of look to it. It had character, like a well loved work truck, lol.

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