Well-Known Member
I recently encountered something rather different that really bothers me, but is beyond my control, so have to suck it up, accept it, grin and bear it or anything else you want to say.
Back near the end of September, I got a call from my Dad telling me about this DNR form he filled out. Just a little background here...
My Dad is 77 years old, and is in relatively good health overall. He did have a serious heart attack 4 years ago, but has not had further complications since. He is on some sort of typical (for his age) meds such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, gout, dieuretics and probably something for his heart too. He has not had any other major health issues at all, ever, other than the heart attack.
Anyway, we were talking on the phone (he lives a couple provinces over) late in September, and I was "pumped" because my husband and daughter "placed" in the top 10 of a walleye tounament that they were in. We talked for awhile and were saying our goodbyes when all of a sudden he dropped the bombshell with his, "Oh, and by the way...." and went on to tell me about this DNR he has. That was fine, but then as he talked a little more, he said it meant that he would not have any means of life support at all, no matter what the circumstances. I told him I understand having it for some things, but if there is nothing wrong with you and you had a heart attack again, why wouldn't you want help? I asked him if the last four "extra" years he got were not worth it? Like WE weren't worth it? I told him he could live even longer, and as long as he was healthy, why not? He said something to the effect of, "I am 77 years old, I don;t want to live another 20 years. My body aches to walk now, why in the heck would I want to live for another 20 years?"
We ended up in somewhat of a spat. He had obiously had a "few" drinks of rum before my talking to him, and I was in tears. I ended up telling him that it was NOT a good time to be discussing it, as it was just a bad time for me, and that he was half in the bag, and we left it at that. I told him that I totally did not agree with it but "whatever" was his choice.
We had discussed things in the past about not keeping him alive on machines etc., but that was if there was little hope of recovery. I was totally OK with that, as I would not want to see him being kept alive by a machine with little to no hope, but this was totall different!
Several days later, we spoke again and we were both calm and able to discuss it a little more rationally. I asked him exactly what it is, and sure enough, it is basically in my opinion, him signing his own death sentence. It is not just called a DNR, but is some sort of "End of Life" thing too, and states that the person wishes that at the end of their life, either through natural aging or through terminal illness, the person wishes that certain or no (is specified by the person) help is to be given. In the case of my Dad, it is no IV, no CPR, no resucitation of any sort, for no matter what the reason that he happens to be in that position. So even if he has a stroke or heart attack or whatever else, that may leave him unable to speak, he does not want any medical intervention at all, that may postpone or delay his natural death, and wishes only to be kept comfortable. So in effect, if he chokes on something, they are not to even attempt to revive him. It's rediculous!
Anyway, before we hung up, he told me he was happy that I understood and was OK with his decision. I made it clear to him by telling him that no, I was not comfortable or OK with it, nor do I understand. I told him I think it is not right, that those tpes of things are for terminally ill people, and not otherwise healthy people, but that if those are his wishes, then I guess I have no say in the matter.
Anyway, do any of you have this, or know if your parents or loved ones have such a thing?

Back near the end of September, I got a call from my Dad telling me about this DNR form he filled out. Just a little background here...
My Dad is 77 years old, and is in relatively good health overall. He did have a serious heart attack 4 years ago, but has not had further complications since. He is on some sort of typical (for his age) meds such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, gout, dieuretics and probably something for his heart too. He has not had any other major health issues at all, ever, other than the heart attack.
Anyway, we were talking on the phone (he lives a couple provinces over) late in September, and I was "pumped" because my husband and daughter "placed" in the top 10 of a walleye tounament that they were in. We talked for awhile and were saying our goodbyes when all of a sudden he dropped the bombshell with his, "Oh, and by the way...." and went on to tell me about this DNR he has. That was fine, but then as he talked a little more, he said it meant that he would not have any means of life support at all, no matter what the circumstances. I told him I understand having it for some things, but if there is nothing wrong with you and you had a heart attack again, why wouldn't you want help? I asked him if the last four "extra" years he got were not worth it? Like WE weren't worth it? I told him he could live even longer, and as long as he was healthy, why not? He said something to the effect of, "I am 77 years old, I don;t want to live another 20 years. My body aches to walk now, why in the heck would I want to live for another 20 years?"
We ended up in somewhat of a spat. He had obiously had a "few" drinks of rum before my talking to him, and I was in tears. I ended up telling him that it was NOT a good time to be discussing it, as it was just a bad time for me, and that he was half in the bag, and we left it at that. I told him that I totally did not agree with it but "whatever" was his choice.
We had discussed things in the past about not keeping him alive on machines etc., but that was if there was little hope of recovery. I was totally OK with that, as I would not want to see him being kept alive by a machine with little to no hope, but this was totall different!
Several days later, we spoke again and we were both calm and able to discuss it a little more rationally. I asked him exactly what it is, and sure enough, it is basically in my opinion, him signing his own death sentence. It is not just called a DNR, but is some sort of "End of Life" thing too, and states that the person wishes that at the end of their life, either through natural aging or through terminal illness, the person wishes that certain or no (is specified by the person) help is to be given. In the case of my Dad, it is no IV, no CPR, no resucitation of any sort, for no matter what the reason that he happens to be in that position. So even if he has a stroke or heart attack or whatever else, that may leave him unable to speak, he does not want any medical intervention at all, that may postpone or delay his natural death, and wishes only to be kept comfortable. So in effect, if he chokes on something, they are not to even attempt to revive him. It's rediculous!
Anyway, before we hung up, he told me he was happy that I understood and was OK with his decision. I made it clear to him by telling him that no, I was not comfortable or OK with it, nor do I understand. I told him I think it is not right, that those tpes of things are for terminally ill people, and not otherwise healthy people, but that if those are his wishes, then I guess I have no say in the matter.
Anyway, do any of you have this, or know if your parents or loved ones have such a thing?