So, whats for dinner?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Western Pennsylvania
I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone is having/had for dinner tonight.

Today is the first day of Deer season (rifle) for us, so I decided to surprise hubby with Chili. It's not snowing, but I think it's nasty cold even when I just run the dog out to potty, so I bet he's freezing. I figured he can take some with him the rest of the week too, and microwave it if he's hungry for lunch while hunting. At least it will help warm him up.

Threw everything in the slow cooker around 1:00, so it will have a good 6 hours to cook. I made an oops though, I thought I had corn bread mix, and I dont. Not even corn meal... Hubby has the car out at his parents property hunting, so I cant even go get any. He'll have to like leftover rolls from thanksgiving that I'll pop in the oven right before he gets home.

Sooo, what are you having?
I have been addicted to avocados the past couple of years (wouldn't touch them before!) so I make handmade guacamole every week or two. Just avocados, onions, tomato, garlic, and spices.

Then I make nachos to eat it with.


Oh, chilli cheese nachos sounds real good. I think I will go pick up some nacho cheese and chips.
Stove top fresh pork roast and sauerkraut. I haven't made this in 10 yrs or more. Its something my Dad made that I loved. So I thought I would give it a try. Sure is smelling good but haven't put the sauerkraut in yet. Lol.
Raven was just in CA so she brought home my all time favorite.. Cheese bagels from Western Bagel.. so having a bagel and hot chocolate for dinner YUMMMM
Turkey Soup! We deep fried a turkey this year and the carcass makes THE BEST soup. Just been simmering with onions and celery for 24 hours. I strained it a couple of hours ago and now have the stock in the fridge to solidify the fat, which will be removed. Then back in a pot with carots, celery, some leftover veggies, left over turkey meat and a few noodles. I am back on the diet again after the big feast and turkey soup is a delightfully delicious way to stay on it. Made enough to have for dinner tonight and a few lunches during the week.
Turkey soup and biscuits. My soup you can eat with a fork!

3-4 lg Onions chopped & boiled. I don't drain. Cook tons of wide egg noodles. Use the meat from the turkey. Add garlic & pepper. 4 cans of mushrooms. And a lot of turkey gravy. It makes the best broth! Big heaping bowls of noodles, turkey, mushrooms & onions. My hubby ate 3 bowls last night and can't wait to get home and have more tonight! It isn't stuff floating in broth type, it's a hearty heap of food where you find the broth in the bottom of the bowl. LOL


Hey Minxiesmom, you have me wanting carrots now
And I forgot to get mushrooms! grrrrr

Your's sounds delicious too! Mine is better for my constant battle with weight! (I love biscuits!!)
We had turkey divan followed by a freshly heated pumpkin pie.
Hubby is out of town tonight so I ate humus on a whole wheat pita. Now that sounds entirely too healthy, so I'll have to think of something bad to eat to cancel it out!! Hahaha!

The turkey carcass is in the freezer and will be made into soup once the hubby gets home. I have a very easy recipe for home made egg noodles that takes turkey soup to a whole 'nother level. YUM!
Salmon on the BBQ (yup, welcome to California - we BBQ year round!) and steamed broccoli, cauliflower and fresh tomatoes. YUM!
Left over crock pot pork roast with carrots and potatoes. YUMMY Then for dessert ice cream and hersey syurp. Bad yes I know but, I love my body curves and all.
Shopping/errands all day. Picked up taco salad fixings....fresh bib lettuce, onion, can of chili, shreaded cheese, then crunched up Fritos on it added a spoon of sour cream w/chives. It was yummy and easy.
But I did have fun making some left over dishes......

Last night I made Bobili (Homemade pizza with the store bought pizza bread). I buy their pizza sauce too. Then top with shredded cheese and what ever toppings the family wants. (I usually make two pizzas for 4 people.)

This time I made one with Canadian bacon and pineapple.......(as usual).......and the second with Italian sweet sausage, olives, and sun dried tomatoes.
AM I the only one who won't do turkey the next day? I just can't stomach it. Tastes too strong for me and as it sits in the fridge it starts to smell weird. I will however heat up the fixings that went along with it such as the mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, gravy, cranberry etc...just don't need the meat.

Tonight it was tacos!! Yum!!

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