Chaos Ranch
Well-Known Member
6 weeks ago I had to make a decision that ripped my heart out. My soon to be 14 year old son was struggling with many issues that I have never dealt with and I did not know how to help him. Many of you are aware of the cult-like church we recently broke away from and that "church" had some very very negative impacts on my son. (on all of us, but he and I bore the most scarring comments). I have worried that many would consider me stupid for staying. I consider me stupid. Anyway... my son has a lot stacked against him and he was really suffocating inside himself. I have prayed and prayed until I cried so hard I coudln't pray anymore.
I don't want to go into the personal details of his behaviour or his struggles but to give you an idea of some issues he faces know that he is going to be 14 next month, and he weighs 68 pounds and he's very VERY tiny framed (they grow kids really big down here, so that only amplifies his lack in stature). Also, he suffered from lead poisioning when he was a little guy and it caused brain damage. His IQ is 72... which makes him just under the "line" they claim is normal, and puts him into their mentally retarted area.
Ok..with that said we had run out of options, and we hated seeing him struggle with certain things because it seemed to make his life miserable. We made the decision to take him to a "ranch".... I looked all over the internet, talked to all sorts of people and found nothing bad about it. It's a behavioural and mental healthcare facility... only on a "normal" life setting. They have their own doctor, their own school, their own houses.
I have NEVER been without my son. He has been with me through some horrific times, and through some amazing times. It was the uttermost difficult thing I have ever done to drive up there and give them his things and drive away without him. It ripped me apart. I cried so hard for days and days that I literally dehydrated myself. Couldn't eat, drink, nothing. But it was for all to help him.
They have a "black-out" period. No seeing or talking to one another for 30 days. You can write letters, but with his reading/writing skills being that of a first semester 2nd grader his letters were vague. After the 30 days we had a counceling session with him. We got to see him for about an hour and a half. He felt different.... but I couldn't figure out what it was.
Following that Friday he was allowed a phone call each week. Tuesdays, between 5 and 6. First phone call was ok, but I could feel him fighting back something. It's the phone call yesterday that tore me up. I knew that they lied to me and said they'd supply all of his hygene things... my son sat up there for 30 days without one drop of soap, shampoo, or deoderant!! :new_shocked: I sent some with him but they took it. His belt and shoes were stolen... but I could over-look some of that to an extent. (after fussing in the office about the soap/shampoo thing in front of 3 sets of parents who were admitting and visiting their kids they go him some that night.)
My son can verbalize what's going on with him very well. Always has ... even if it gets him into trouble he'll say what he feels and say what he's done. This 10 minute call was 85% him crying. He was unable to talk. I understand homesick, this was not homesick. He had someone standing over him, I heard the guy. I asked questions... like this....
Son, are they spanking you? "I don't know".
Please son, tell me , are they spanking you or hurting you. "I.. I don't know".
This is very important son... you know if someone is hitting you... please tell me... are they spanking you.
"I just dont know.. I dont know".
So... I say "Is someone hurting you?" His cry changed, and he said "Yesssss" I say.... "Adult or kid" he says "Kid".... I get that Feeling... that feeling that I always get... that "special" sense God gave me was screaming and yelling thoughts, feelings, and images through my head.
Son... tell me... please, how are they hurting you... "I... they ... I ..." Son.... did you tell the councellor "no, I can't" did you tell your house-master... nothing but sobs..... Please, this is very important, tell me, hurry... are they making you do something you dont want to do... to that I got the hyper-ventillating breathing...that kind of breathing you get when you have such a wall of emotion well up you can't contain your breaths and you become over-whelmed and all you can do is fight with all your focus to keep then from ripping apart in the middle... then he says.... I have to go, they said I have to go. Bye mommy.... click.
I was furious. So mad the tears rolled down all by themselves.. but this wasn't hurt defeated sad tears...this were mad dog, mother bear tears. The feeling in my soul screamed at me, and my heart was punching me in the chest. I didn't know what to do.... so I called my dad. (weird... 31 years old.... 5 kids... and I still ran to my "daddy" to help me.)
I gathered my focus, and aimed all of my emotion right at getting him out of there. I called the admit person and they said... she left. I paged her and she's gone... would you like to leave a message or may I help you. I said ... absolutely you can help me. You can have my son's things packed and my boy waiting on me when I get there. "Ma'am, I can't do that"... well you better do it or I'll turn every house upside down to find him. Please hold ma'am. Guess who got on the phone... the admit lady ! (yeah...the one that "left")
There's much more to this but my post is so long already that I just feel horrible that it's so long. But I have so much rolling in my head right now. I just hate this. I have to call her back today at 9:30 to see if they'll discharge him. If they don't... you may not hear from me for awhile.
I sure hope ya'll don't think me to be a blathering idiot... I have never faced something like this before and I don't know anyone who has. If I know anything at all, I know that this forum is filled with moms, dads, nannas, pa-pas, and many many other enormously kind and compassionate hearts so if ever there was any one that could understand and could know what thoughts and prayers to say it would be ya'll. I do normally try to keep very personal things limited to personal emails and such... but I just can't think straight enough right now waiting for the next hour to pass to figure out who to write to because the only people in my address book that would understand and truely pray are the people on this forum.
Please, if you can spare a little bit of time, please could you pull all your kind thoughts and all your compassion into a plea to God to help me get my son out of there, and to help my son heal from whatever has happened? Please.
I don't want to go into the personal details of his behaviour or his struggles but to give you an idea of some issues he faces know that he is going to be 14 next month, and he weighs 68 pounds and he's very VERY tiny framed (they grow kids really big down here, so that only amplifies his lack in stature). Also, he suffered from lead poisioning when he was a little guy and it caused brain damage. His IQ is 72... which makes him just under the "line" they claim is normal, and puts him into their mentally retarted area.
Ok..with that said we had run out of options, and we hated seeing him struggle with certain things because it seemed to make his life miserable. We made the decision to take him to a "ranch".... I looked all over the internet, talked to all sorts of people and found nothing bad about it. It's a behavioural and mental healthcare facility... only on a "normal" life setting. They have their own doctor, their own school, their own houses.
I have NEVER been without my son. He has been with me through some horrific times, and through some amazing times. It was the uttermost difficult thing I have ever done to drive up there and give them his things and drive away without him. It ripped me apart. I cried so hard for days and days that I literally dehydrated myself. Couldn't eat, drink, nothing. But it was for all to help him.
They have a "black-out" period. No seeing or talking to one another for 30 days. You can write letters, but with his reading/writing skills being that of a first semester 2nd grader his letters were vague. After the 30 days we had a counceling session with him. We got to see him for about an hour and a half. He felt different.... but I couldn't figure out what it was.
Following that Friday he was allowed a phone call each week. Tuesdays, between 5 and 6. First phone call was ok, but I could feel him fighting back something. It's the phone call yesterday that tore me up. I knew that they lied to me and said they'd supply all of his hygene things... my son sat up there for 30 days without one drop of soap, shampoo, or deoderant!! :new_shocked: I sent some with him but they took it. His belt and shoes were stolen... but I could over-look some of that to an extent. (after fussing in the office about the soap/shampoo thing in front of 3 sets of parents who were admitting and visiting their kids they go him some that night.)
My son can verbalize what's going on with him very well. Always has ... even if it gets him into trouble he'll say what he feels and say what he's done. This 10 minute call was 85% him crying. He was unable to talk. I understand homesick, this was not homesick. He had someone standing over him, I heard the guy. I asked questions... like this....
Son, are they spanking you? "I don't know".
Please son, tell me , are they spanking you or hurting you. "I.. I don't know".
This is very important son... you know if someone is hitting you... please tell me... are they spanking you.
"I just dont know.. I dont know".
So... I say "Is someone hurting you?" His cry changed, and he said "Yesssss" I say.... "Adult or kid" he says "Kid".... I get that Feeling... that feeling that I always get... that "special" sense God gave me was screaming and yelling thoughts, feelings, and images through my head.
Son... tell me... please, how are they hurting you... "I... they ... I ..." Son.... did you tell the councellor "no, I can't" did you tell your house-master... nothing but sobs..... Please, this is very important, tell me, hurry... are they making you do something you dont want to do... to that I got the hyper-ventillating breathing...that kind of breathing you get when you have such a wall of emotion well up you can't contain your breaths and you become over-whelmed and all you can do is fight with all your focus to keep then from ripping apart in the middle... then he says.... I have to go, they said I have to go. Bye mommy.... click.
I was furious. So mad the tears rolled down all by themselves.. but this wasn't hurt defeated sad tears...this were mad dog, mother bear tears. The feeling in my soul screamed at me, and my heart was punching me in the chest. I didn't know what to do.... so I called my dad. (weird... 31 years old.... 5 kids... and I still ran to my "daddy" to help me.)
I gathered my focus, and aimed all of my emotion right at getting him out of there. I called the admit person and they said... she left. I paged her and she's gone... would you like to leave a message or may I help you. I said ... absolutely you can help me. You can have my son's things packed and my boy waiting on me when I get there. "Ma'am, I can't do that"... well you better do it or I'll turn every house upside down to find him. Please hold ma'am. Guess who got on the phone... the admit lady ! (yeah...the one that "left")
There's much more to this but my post is so long already that I just feel horrible that it's so long. But I have so much rolling in my head right now. I just hate this. I have to call her back today at 9:30 to see if they'll discharge him. If they don't... you may not hear from me for awhile.

I sure hope ya'll don't think me to be a blathering idiot... I have never faced something like this before and I don't know anyone who has. If I know anything at all, I know that this forum is filled with moms, dads, nannas, pa-pas, and many many other enormously kind and compassionate hearts so if ever there was any one that could understand and could know what thoughts and prayers to say it would be ya'll. I do normally try to keep very personal things limited to personal emails and such... but I just can't think straight enough right now waiting for the next hour to pass to figure out who to write to because the only people in my address book that would understand and truely pray are the people on this forum.
Please, if you can spare a little bit of time, please could you pull all your kind thoughts and all your compassion into a plea to God to help me get my son out of there, and to help my son heal from whatever has happened? Please.