Someone is hurting my son...

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She called back. They said that we can have him back... but that we have to wait until 1 to get him .

I just want my boy back home and safe. I want him to be ok. I want people to leave him alone and just stop hurting him.

I am on my way to gather up my kids and my husband and head up there to get him. I'll take him to the dr. on the way home, and will see what happened. I pray to God that someone hasn't .... I just hope whatever happened is minimal. I don't know how much he'll want me to talk about... but I promise an update late this afternoon when we get home.

Thank you all... thank you so much for your prayers, thoughts, words, tears,... and your compassion.

I am going to get my boy.
Go get your boy, sorry you had to go through this and these people responded this way, no way to treat a child. Do I need to come down there and rough someone up to knock some sense into these people? Geez it sounds like it's all about the money and not the welfare of the child. Seen it happen to elderly people and Medicaid, just not fair. Sending prayers to you and your family and a happy reunion this afternoon
Oh thank you Jesus! You can't imagine the sigh of relief that a total stranger has just let out. Go and get your boy and let us know how he is when you get him home
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad you are on your way to get him..........If I didn't know where he was I would call the sheriff and demand they find him.

I pray that he is ok.........

I can just imagine how you are feeling....... :no:

Please update us when you can................I will be thinking of you.
I am so glad your getting him back home where he will be safe and sound!

Prayers said and I am sorry he had to go thru what he has gone thru and you as well.

Hugs to both

My prayers that you get him back safe and sound, with no grief from the people where he is. also, prayers for a safe trip and a good report from the doctor.

I just can't imagine what you are going through. Please do update us. We are all concerned for your son.
I'm mostly just a lurker here but I had to reply to your post. I'm sending good thoughts your way and I hope your son is ok.
This is just too weird for me.

First they don't know where the child is????????

They took the child away in a van????


they call back and say, "we found him" and "yes, you can have your child back"??????

Like you have to have permission to take your child???

What's wrong with this picture?

I think this place is very questionable and should be under a microscope.

Hope he's ok Kimmy and so happy you listened to your son, and glad you scooted right over there.

I do hope you get to the bottom of this. People must be held accountable!
Good Luck with your son Kim. I know what you are thinking happened, and I hope and pray to God that you are wrong, and the Doctor finds no such evidence.
Kim, please follow Martys excellent advice. Go and get you boy now ! Don't wait

Keep us posted

Hoping for a good outcome for your son and I'm so glad you have gone to get him out of there too. Prayers for you and your family.
I think this is a tragic situation is taking place. You thought you were doing what was best for him at the time so that aside now he needs your help, protection and love. Were I in you position I would be on my way to bring him home at the first opportunity. All of you will be in my prayers. My best wishes for a fast and speedy end to this situation.
[SIZE=14pt]kim I am praying for your son and your whole family and any other child that was abused or misused! So terrible when we do things to help and bad things happen.[/SIZE]

Lyn :no:
HE"S HOME !!!!!!!!!

We went up and got him. He was in the office thing when we got there and they had his things in a garbage bag on the porch of the office. His counselor aw shoot.. I can't spell that word. That guy was there with him and was wanting me to go through every grievance with him, of course I was eager to oblige him.

They wanted to be sure I was leaving on good terms. The guy says "so there's no problems here, we're leaving on good terms. We're not upset with you, you're not upset with us".... :eek:

I said my opinions, they knew what I was upset about, and I gathered up my boy and high-tailed it out of there! We stopped on the way home a couple of places just to look around and spend some time letting him talk to us. He assured me that he didn't need to go to the doctor and that nothing that I feared happened had happened (Thank you Jesus... ) He said he was ok and there was nothing about his body that hurt.

So... what was rough? He stinks to high-heaven... they haven't given him deoderant for 6 weeks. I could smell him as soon as I got in there. He said the staff (great big giant men) was grabbing him and picking him up and slamming him against the wall and screaming and yelling in his face. They made him give away his brand new shoes... he was miserable. Come to find out, he'd only had 2 coucilling sessions the entire 6 weeks he was there... one of which was our family session!

He's ok though, and the prayers and kind thoughts made all the difference I know they did. Thank you all so very much... I would post much more but we have to get out the door to church. I'll get on here after church and finish answering posts.

He was roughed up a lot by the kids, the adults were abusive to him, and he was belittled and had nothing to take care of himself with. I'll talk to him more this evening when the other kids arean't around and get the whole story from him.

This sounds very much like something I went through with my brother in law last year. Of course, my brother in law is a grown up, but he is an adult with a cognitive disability...very much like your son.

He had surgery on his neck, and we sent him to a nursing home after wards so that he wouldn't be home alone recuperating. Trouble was, he was supposed to be there for a week, and they didn't want to let him go. The nursing home kept saying that there had to be a occupational therapist to evaluate his home, (he was fine) and he needed special equipment (he didn't). I finally took the day off of work, and called the nursing home. "I'm picking my brother up. I'll be there in 30 minutes." Their answer: "He has to be discharged by the doctor." I said, what doctor? They told me, and I called the doctor, and they faxed the papers over. I called the nursing home back. "You have the papers yet?" Their answer was "No." I called the doctor again. I'm sorry, he's in with a patient. I said, okay, have him sign the papers, and fax them now, or I'll remove my brother, and you will not get paid!"

I arrived at the nursing home, helped my brother in law pack, and we got out of there. He didn't like having to wear a bib at meals...and they treated him like an invalid. The only reason they kept him so long was because he was easy to take care of, and that made him easy money! Of course, they hadn't seen him get mad, and wreck a room...which he is perfectly capable of doing.

I hope your son is doing better. There are places that he can be sent that will actually help him...whatever his needs are. You might try a counselor...and keep him at home. My brother in laws are under the care of The Arc...and it's working for them.

Kim R.
Sending hugs and prayers your way. I truly feel for you. You have tried to do the best for your sons but those very actions by the sounds of it will leave scars very deep.

I would have been at that camp that night with the police department. As fast as my car could have gotten me there.

As parents we make choices, some good, some bad. But also has parents it is our job to correct the mistakes immediatly.

Please, Please, go get your son and hope it isn't to late. Hope that what ever is happening is something he can overcome.

Thinking of you


Gosh I am sorry. I missed the post were you got him home. I am so happy he is back with his family were he belongs.

I think hard lesson learned for alot of folks. Those camps have very hard children in them. A child that is special would be like a puppet to them.

I pray your son recovers from his ordeal. Hug him deeply.

Kim, I am just so stunned at what happened, but at least the "unthinkable" didnt happen to your son. Please know that prayers and only good wishes are going to you and your son. I am just so glad you got him out of this horrible situation before it became worst. God was there to see you thru this and now you have your son back, and hopefully get back to a somewhat normal family life you so much deserve. (((HUGS))) to youand yor family, especially you precious son. Corinne
Good for you on acting on your basic instincts very quickly. I hope you now can still find an avenue to help your son find the help he needs.

Long story but can only say I know first hand how hard it is to find the right help when you need it. God Bless you all.

I'm sooooooo glad you have been reunited with your son Kim! I have been thinking of him and you all day. From what you have said, that poor boy has been through a very traumatic experience. It's unfortunate that you say he's used to being picked on, but this sounds above and beyond that and to come from ADULTS is totally inexcusable. :new_2gunsfiring_v1:
: Sending healing thoughts to your family....

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