So, we have moved so our children will be in safer schools. We collected 3 police case numbers with the trouble with the boys that have gone after our daughter multiple times. Now, over this past weekend, someone tried stealing gas out of our gas tank of our car. It happened sometime Friday night. We came out the next morning and the gas tank cover was open. I went to look at it and you could see where they pried it open and the cap itself was sitting there but not on tight. We called the police and they are going to drive by more often. They say that with gas prices being so high that people are doing this now as well as breaking into cars more often since people leave things in their cars. We got lucky, as I only had just less than a quarter of a tank so he or she didn't make off with anything from our car. I was then worried that since they knew our car was on empty that they'd soon be back because they knew we'd be filling up. Well, I hope they do come back now as there are cameras up now and we bought a gas cap with a lock on it. Multiple people around our townhouse say that things like this have never really happened here before and some of them have lived here their whole lives. With the hardships that people are going through now I can see why it is happening more and it will happen anywhere but I so want to be out of the city. I want my small town back. My husband wants to move to Lakeland, FL as he wants to work at the Publix Distribution plant over there. We drove through a couple of weekends ago and it seems pretty nice and much quieter than Palm Beach, FL. So we'll see what happens. My brother in law have family who live their and they like it and I am told they have good schools so we are looking into it more. If anybody who reads this knows anything about Lakeland, FL please let me know, good or bad. I am tired of police having to come to my door. The funny thing is that the police station is right outside our front door on the other side of this really quiet street along with the fire department. Unfortunately we have this high hedge that runs along the backside of the townhouse property that closes off any view of the parking lot. I want them to cut them down but maybe since we have the cameras now we won't need to. We'll see.