The past week or so I have been physically and emotionally down.The pain before this last surgery has returned with a vengence. Blood results are back, blood infection is finally gone. Art says that I have become distant and depressed. I agree that I have gotten very emotional, and cry alot, but distant? He says not towards him but others. He asked me yesterday when was the last time I walked across and saw my mom, hum..I actually don't know... I talk to her on the phone all the time, but I guess I have not seen her in a while. Or talked on the phone to anyone besides my son??? I just feel like I am spiraling downwards and out of control. Like I am trying to grab onto something but it is not there to catch me. I KNOW that I have tons of family and friends who love and support us. And I am soooo very grateful... I am not giving up. I just don't know which way to turn anymore. I did not think it was going to be this hard, at this point I don't know what I thought. The procedure the IR did last month is not working. And he told me that they can not repair my heart. He has been doing alot of consulting with other Drs... Yesterday morning when I woke up from 12 hours of sleep, Art noticed that my stomach was swollen (some). By 3pm I looked like I was 5-6 months preg. Today he sent me for another MRI...The tech told me I was bleeding slowly internally...Sigh...Today the swelling is not so bad. This Friday we will be back on our way to Mercy Hospital. IR told me that I need to consider permanent disability. The reality of this has set in on us. It is a very quite night here at our house tonight. I told the IR that diability was not an option for me, if he did that I would surely die sooner. I am way to active and hyper to be disabled and not work. I am not giving up. I just don't know which way to turn anymore. I did not think it was going to be this hard, at this point I don't know what I thought. The IR said I am running out of time to have the next surgery done as my health is failing. But I am not ready emotionally or physically!! He told me on the phone tonight to GET READY!! I guess these are the days he told me about, to live like I was dying. I am an absolute mess emotionally as is Art. Either I or Robin will keep you updated. I am guilty of not telling her everything as she takes it so hard. She knows that I keep things from her. But she is one of two people that I have had the privilage to know that can "feel me" when things are not right.
Thanks for asking about us....Theresa and Art
P>S>>>>>Fred (Linda) I have the utmost respect for you, I don't know how you keep going without falling apart..... You are an inspiration to all of us!
Thanks for asking about us....Theresa and Art
P>S>>>>>Fred (Linda) I have the utmost respect for you, I don't know how you keep going without falling apart..... You are an inspiration to all of us!